Your Name And Colors Key To Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance And Success

The Mommies Reviews

Everyone has there favorite color but knowing which colors work for us we may not know. Or have even thought about how that can help us in our daily lives.

Your Name And Colors Key To Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance And Success by [Greycastle, B. P.]

Since reading Your Name And Colors Key To Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance And Success I have been purging and cleaning out my closet and adding more of the colors they say I should use.

I can’t wait to see how this affects my life and once I have tried it out I would like to get David and Charlie to do the same thing and if it helps them I will ask my sister to check the book out as well.

I believe Your Name And Colors Key To Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance And Success will help both Debbie and I out with our Depression and I also think this book could help you as well.

Baron Paul Greycastle has made one of the “Greatest Discoveries of All Time”. He shows, with a tremendous amount of lists, facts and figures, that the most famous and successful people in practically every career field: Archeologists, Artists, Athletes, Comedians, Composers, Designers, Doctors, Educators, Environmentalists, Health Gurus, Inventors, Journalists, Lawyers, Models, Musicians, Peace Makers, Photographers, Physicists, Positive-Thinking Philosophers, Promoters, Richest, Romantics, Sales People, Singers, Talk Show Hosts, Writers and many more, are successful because of their color-coded names.

He proves, with undeniable evidence, that Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein owe their great knowledge of physics to their names. He shows that our color-coded names determine who our romantic soul mate should be, what colors we should use in our homes and wardrobe to stimulate and create the 7 different home decor mood environments and project the fashion image styles (youthful, intellectual, harmonius, dramatic, corporate, romantic & sexy).

This is one of the greatest self-help books ever written. Find out what your name says about how to enhance your beauty, choose the right career, find the right romantic soul mate, build the best color/style wardrobe, and stimulate your 7 centers using your colors in your home or business environment.

Greycastle claims that if his philosophy is accepted by mainstream medical society, it could possibly create two new medical fields: Endocrinology Psychology and Endocrinology Psychiatry. Includes 22 beautiful model photographs and 2-page color fan along with a 3-part wardrobe, home-decor, career chart. The amount of usable information in this book is amazing and unlimitable.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates