You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the novel You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving (Journaling & Writing Skills Tips, for Readers of Dialogue or Character Reactions from Head to Toe) which I received in exchange for this post.

Not only as a Blogger but a Homeschooling mom it’s key I become a better writer not only for myself and my business but so I can teach Charlie the things he needs to know.

I can’t wait to begin using the tips in You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving my writing but also having Charlie implement the tips in his school work.

I will be purchasing Charlie his own copy of You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving which he will use in his Creative Writing class.

Each morning we will sit down and answer the prompt in our notebook. Then we will discuss our answers and I will have Charlie read his answer out-load allowing Charlie to practice his reading without anyone making fun of him.

I’m Praying when David see’s Charlie and I working together that he will get a piece of paper and answer the prompts with us. Allowing David to work on his spelling and reading.

I have two ladies I am mentoring and I plan on purchasing a copy of You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving for them to use to practice there own writing and to help them become better at Blogging.

If your homeschooling. blogging or just enjoy journaling then you should purchase your own copy of You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving.

#1 New Release in Quotation Reference ─ Write Like an Expert

From famous all-time-great poets like T.S. Eliot to modern creatives like Roxane Gay, the selected writing quotes in this journal aim to instruct and inspire you to become a better writer.

Writing Inspiration from Incredible Authors. Gathered by Brenda Knight and writing coach Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving TargetYou Should Be Writing provides you with writing wisdom from a variety of accomplished authors.

Writing Practice on Every Page. This journal is a must-have for writers everywhere. With quotes from a diverse group of historical and modern authors to use as creative prompts on every page, you’ll be able to bring your writing inspiration with you wherever you go. You’ll find plenty of great advice, such as Toni Morrison’s encouragement, “As a writer, a failure is just information. It’s something that I’ve done wrong in writing, or is inaccurate or unclear. I recognize failure—which is important; some people don’t—and fix it.”

Creative Writing Practice for Every Genre. This writing journal with prompts helps you practice a wide variety of writing skills. The excerpts and prompts include:

  • General advice: “Protect the time and space in which you write. Keep everybody away from it, even the people who are most important to you.” – Zadie Smith
  • Helpful instructions: “If you scribble your thoughts any which way, your reader will surely feel that you care nothing about them.” – Kurt Vonnegut
  • Genre-specific writing ideas and tips for particular areas of writing, such as poetry or storytelling: “For those whose bucket-list entails seeing their name on the spine of a book, it boils down to the power of persistence.” – Marlene Wagman-Geller
  • If you were inspired by the creative writing prompts and advice in 642 Things to Write AboutComplete the Story Journal, or Piccadilly 300 Writing Prompts, you’ll love Brenda’s and Nita’s You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration & Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates