You Are An Awesome Women

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to let you know this is a review for a book called You Are An Awesome Woman published by Becca Anderson. I wanted to read this novel because it contains Affirmations and Positivity. They sent me a copy of the book but the thoughts in the review are all mine and my families.


I couldn’t wait to sit down and read You Are An Awesome Woman as I wanted to share the Affirmations with Charlie who has been down on himself.

Since we begin Homeschooling full time all of Charlies friends have seemed to have forgotten about him. Everyday I see Charlie getting more and more depressed.

I knew I need to do something to change this because I have been feeling the same way. As a family we sat down to read You Are Awesome Woman. I know your thinking why would I share a novel that says women with a boy and a man.

There is quotes and positive affirmations everyone can learn from. All they need to do is keep a open mind. Which is what I reminded Charlie and David of before we began reading this new novel.

I couldn’t wait to read the chapter on organization with Charlie and David. As we begin to read we was told to find out focus which I had lost but through this book and Prayers I’ve finally found myself and can see myself back at work and spending time with my friends and family without feeling overwhelmed all the time.

Charlie and David said they feel the same way and Charlie is ready to contact his friends and ask them why they don’t come around anymore. David has even decided to look for a job with better pay and more stable hours which wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t sat down and read this new novel.



You Are an Awesome Woman: Affirmations and Inspired Ideas for Self-Care, Success and a Truly Happy Life by Becca Anderson 

You know what they say about happiness—it comes from within. Use the affirmations, quotes, and ideas in this book as a set of tools for your own inner work. Incorporating positive thoughts as a daily practice will build mental muscle and help you achieve the all-important optimistic way of thinking.

Author Becca Anderson is a champion of undertaking the inner journey of working toward a better you. She is also a strong advocate for believing in yourself and loving yourself more each and every day. These are habits that can be reinforced by practices such as journaling, creating your own affirmations, and talking to yourself positively. Like an engine driving you toward greater things, self-belief brings you closer to your life’s purpose, your personal mission, and will absolutely make you a happier camper. So, give it a try! It’s as easy as pie and just as sweet.