Last weekend my sister Debbie brought my niece Lily and Jason over to play with Charlie. While they were here I brought out Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates for Girls & Boys with Light Up Wheels (Ages 5-20) – Roller Skates with Illuminating Wheels I had gotten for a review.

As soon as I brought Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates out Lily reminded us she couldn’t Skate. I said yes, but you asked me for skates. Lily said I know now I can learn how to skate.
My sister was just as excited as the children were for Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates because as a child she loved to skate. As for me not so much and I fall way more than I skate so I knew better than to try.
Lily tried Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates on at first and they were a little big for her but she had so much fun trying to skate. Debbie and Charlie helped her out and she thought she was so big.
Then Jason decided he wanted to try and Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates almost fit him. Jason did pretty good then when we wasn’t looking down he went. At first Jason was upset because he feel down but when he saw us all laughing he didn’t mind falling.

Next was my sister Debbie who said I bet I could wear Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates and even though she is a adult she does wear children’s shoe sizes and the skates fit her perfectly.
She began to skate and before we knew what happened down she went. Was she upset no, and did she hurt herself no. Was it funny yes, it was and did she want to try again yes, she did.
Next was Charlie’s turn and Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates fit but was a little tight but he got them on and began to skate. At first Charlie was doing really good then he wanted to show off and down he went.
I can’t wait to purchase a pair of skates for everyone so we can take them to the Skating Rink which Lily and Jason haven’t ever been to. As well as helmets and Lily said knee pads as well Please.

Lily let me know she would like Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates for Girls & Boys with Light Up Wheels (Ages 5-20) – Roller Skates with Illuminating Wheels with the wheels that light up like the skates we have.
I reminded Lily we would have to wait until she had grown up a little bit because these skates come in a size 5 to 10. Then Charlie said but mom you could get them for Aunt Debbie for Christmas and when Lily gets bigger she could borrow them and yes, I could Charlie.
Xino SportsXino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates for Girls & Boys with Light Up Wheels

The Xino Sports roller skates for boys & girls uses DOUBLE THICK THREADING to reinforce seams & HIGH GRADE plastics for clasps. It has eight 82A polyurethane wheels with flashing LED LIGHTS (no batteries required!).. WITH THICKER PADDING THAN most kids roller skates,
KIDS GROW SO QUICKLY, NOW their girl & boys roller skates can grow with them. With 2 SIZES AVAILABLE, each size EXPANDS TO 4 SIZES IN ONE –
USE IN SKATING RINKS, roller derby, roller hockey around the neighborhood. The RED, BLUE & GREEN LED LIGHT UP WHEELS make these roller skates for girls & boys a unique gift.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates