This is a review for Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja which I was sent in exchange for a review. You will find the toys from Wubble Rumblers inside my Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Boys & Girls with full reviews done by my family.

I can hear Charlie Christmas morning when I show him Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja he is going to say this looks like my dad. Even though it doesn’t look like David.
I can see David telling Charlie lets practice our Ninja moves which will get them out of front of the TV and off the electronics. If I am not careful I can even see them using the Ninja in a Pillow Fight.
Knowing David they way I do I can see him using the Ninja as a pillow. I’m just going to have to be careful that the dogs don’t try and play with the Ninja as I would hate for them to pop him.
Which is why you will find Charlie’s Ninja sitting on Charlie’s shelf protecting him when he sleeps at night. The funny part is the Ninja is 3 feet tall and Charlie isn’t much taller than that so when he carries him room to room we will not be able to see Charlie which may scare our dogs.
I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t find Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja inside the Shower or Bath Tub with Charlie or Charlie having him outside playing Basketball.
Because boys will be boys and they do lots of fun and crazy things. Or at least Charlie and David does. If the truth is told I do at times and could even see us taking our Ninja on a car ride. What would you do with your Ninja if you had one and why?
Now, that Christmas is over I can say I was right Charlie loves his Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja he has been having Sleep-Overs with the kids in the neighborhood.
I can hear them at night Wrestling with Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja. I wish you could hear them laughing nd being kids. Charlie even decided to take Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja on a bike ride by putting him inside the basket on my bike and taking him for a ride.
I wish you could have seen the neighbors faces as Charlie rode by. Leslie even asked where she could get Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja for her son Corbin who is 4 and likes to wrestle with his brothers and there dogs.
When Corbin was inside Charlie brought out Wubble Rumblers Wrestler to show her because her dad used to follow Wrestling. Leslie said this would make a good Father’s Day Present and give the boys something to play with when there visiting him.
Her husband Scott liked how well made Wubble Rumblers Wrestler was and that it is strong enough to not break. Corbin even figured out how to air it up on his own.
Leslie asked if she could borrow Wubble Rumblers Wrestler and Wubble Rumblers Inflatable Air Ninja to use as decorations at Corbin’s Birthday party this year and Charlie said that would be fine.
Charlie did remind Leslie he would need Wubble Rumblers Wrestler back as soon as possible because it reminds him of his dad and keeps Charlie from missing David when he isn’t home.
My favorite was Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist because this allowed me to give Charlie a high five while Social Distancing. When David heard this he said he wanted to take Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist to work with him.
Charlie said no, he needed the fist so he would always have a extra hand and could get more things done and not always wear his hands out from all the work he has to do.
Charlie’s friend Troy loved Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist the most and kept asking Charlie if he could have the fist since Charlie had other toys. Charlie told Troy to add Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist to his next years Christmas Letter to Santa. Or ask for one for his Birthday because he wasn’t going to give him his Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist.
When I was looking for Charlie the other day I found him outside playing Basketball with his Wubble Rumblers Wrestler Fist and trying to get the fist through the hope let me tell you that was a site to see.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates