Wordless Wednesday March

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday Announcement

Good morning, As we sit down this morning to work on the blog I wanted to make sure I had put  up a Wordless Wednesday post. As it has been a while since I have participated in Wordless Wednesday.

Through Wordless Wednesday  I will be able to find new blogs to follow and be able to make new friends. As well as grow my followers and hopefully gain some comments.

So if your like me and wanting to grow your blogs Wordless Wednesdays are the perfect way to do this. As people will search from these events on Google and also on Facebook. So pick a picture you like and set up your own Wordless Wednesday post.

Once you have yours done Please come back and link up on my linky. Leave me a comment and I will make sure I come visit your blog. As I love making new friends.

Wordless Wednesday Mar 1

Now, I know this Wordless Wednesday says March and yes, that could refer to the month. Or to something else so my question for you today is when you see the word “March” what does it mean to you and why?

As for me this time it means march put on foot in front of the other and march. Get up off your behids and March. Go. Go. Go…. Outside and play. Stop sitting in the house. Its Summer time to get up and move, MARCH and just go… go… go..

Link up your Wordless Wednesday posts here!

Wordless Wednesday (WW) is not only about my pictures. It’s also about pictures that I find inspirational to the topic and have full permission to use! All Opinions are my own!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates