With Schools Back in Session, Expert Shares 5 Proven Tactics to Help Your Gamer Kid Re-Focus on Their Education 

The Mommies Reviews

Gaming industry insider reveals strategies for ensuring your child’s school success isn’t marred by their gaming habits

Key Findings

  • Expert warns that the shift from summer gaming freedom to school-year structure poses challenges for both kids and parents this year
  • Implementing a consistent sleep schedule and creating time limits for gaming are important first steps in readjusting to the school routine
  • Involving children in the planning process of their new schedule increases the likelihood of adherence and teaches valuable time management skills

With the school year back in full swing, daily routines are fast returning to their pre-summer state. But for kids who spent much of their summer playing video games, they’ll be struggling to readjust to their school-time routine. As gaming becomes increasingly popular among all age groups, this year may be the hardest one yet for parents trying to unglue their kid’s faces from their screens. 

“The transition from summer gaming freedom to school-year structure can be challenging for both kids and parents,” says Al Alof, a gaming specialist and the spokesperson for online gaming marketplace Chicks Gold (https://chicksgold.com/). “But with the right strategies, it’s possible to strike a balance between academic success and gaming enjoyment.”

He shares his five step guide on how to better organize gaming sessions with the fresh school semester schedule. 

  1. Set A Consistent Sleep Schedule

The first step in adjusting your child’s routine for the school year is to establish a consistent sleep routine. After a summer of irregular sleep times and potentially late-night gaming sessions, they’ll need to adjust to the structure of being back at school.

Start by gradually adjusting bedtime by 15-30 minutes earlier each night until your child is back onto a school-appropriate schedule. The same wake-up times every day are equally important, as they help reset your child’s internal clock, making early mornings less of a struggle.

“Sleep is very important for cognitive function, especially after a few months without school,” cautions Alof. “Easing into a new sleep schedule and eliminating those late-night gaming sessions should make waking up easier in those first few weeks of school.”

  1. Create Time Limits

Set out clear limits on game time during the school week so that gaming doesn’t interfere with your child’s homework, extracurricular activities, and sleep. Discuss these limits with your child and be consistent in enforcing them. This helps maintain a healthy balance while also teaching self-discipline and time management.

Alof adds, “When a kid knows they have a limited amount of time to play games, they make the most of it, leading to a more enriched gaming life – even if they’re not playing as much as before”.

  1. Remove Gaming Devices From Bedrooms

One effective way to reduce late-night gaming sessions and promote better sleep is to remove gaming consoles and devices from your child’s bedroom. Keeping gaming in shared spaces encourages healthy boundaries and helps your child associate their bedroom with rest rather than entertainment. This simple change can make a significant difference in sleep quality and keep your child focused on school.

“Just knowing that a gaming device is near their bed can be too much of a temptation for most kids. Designating the devices to another room in the house is the best way to stop them from sneaking out of bed to play more”, says Alof. 

  1. Implement a Structured After-School Routine

A well-designed after-school routine can transform the way your child balances academics and leisure. Map out a daily plan that prioritizes homework, physical activity, and household tasks before screen time. This strategy both promotes academic success and teaches your child valuable time management skills. By framing gaming as a reward, you’ll spark your child’s motivation to tackle their responsibilities efficiently, all while preserving their gaming enjoyment.

“Having a well-rounded routine that includes gaming teaches kids that there is always time for the fun things in life, but responsibilities are equally as important”, Alof explains.

  1. Involve Your Child in The Planning Process

To increase the likelihood of adherence, involve your child in designing their new routine. Let them have a say in how their day is structured, including negotiating gaming time limits during the school week. When children feel they have control over their schedule, they tend to be more motivated to stick to it.

“This type of planning allows your child to feel like they still have control of their free time and also encourages a bit of independence when it comes to planning their life”, says Alof.

Al Alof, spokesperson for Chicks Gold, commented:

“As an avid gamer myself, I know how hard it can be to put the controller down and focus on real-life responsibilities. Kids see these virtual worlds as an escape from reality where they can express themselves through characters and explore different realms, so taking that experience away from them completely should not be the solution. 

“Instead, we should bridge the gap between gaming and learning. A lot of games teach problem-solving skills applicable to schoolwork. Parents can help kids see these connections, turning gaming into learning opportunities. Keep talking about games with your kids – this open communication helps spot issues and guides them towards balance. 

“The goal isn’t quitting gaming, but fitting it into a well-rounded life, teaching skills they’ll use long after the school year ends.”


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About Chicks Gold

Chicks Gold is a trusted online platform specializing in the buying and selling of virtual goods, including in-game currency, items, and accounts across popular games like RuneScape, OSRS, and World of Warcraft. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Chicks Gold offers fast, secure transactions and 24/7 customer support, ensuring a seamless experience for gamers worldwide. Their commitment to safety and competitive pricing has made them a go-to source for gamers looking to enhance their gameplay. 

Al Alof is the spokesperson for Chicks Gold


Information about technology in the bedroom: Sleep Foundation

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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