Winter Traditions for Foster Families

The Mommies Reviews

Wintertime is filled with magic and family fun. Traditions like decorating the house, going to see Santa and baking mince pies are popular with families all over the world. But sticking to traditions when you foster can be tough. With different children every year, it can be hard to do the same things. However, simple traditions are a great way to bond with new children and make them feel like a valued part of your family. Here are some tips on how to create traditions as a foster family, as well as some ideas on traditions that you could try.

Tips for Creating Traditions as a Foster Family

When you have a permanent family, traditions are easy. You do the same things each year, making small adjustments to give your children more freedom and independence as they get older. But with different children every year, it can be more complicated.

Be Flexible

First, you must be flexible. In a non-foster family, children get older. As foster parents, the children placed with you can be any age. Be flexible with your traditions, and don’t try to stick with any that aren’t appropriate for the children who are with you at the time.

Include the Children’s Traditions

The children who are placed with you might have their own winter traditions that they’ve enjoyed with other families, or even that they’ve heard about from friends and would like to try. Speak to them about options and try to include as many as you can.

Remember Holidays Can be Hard

Remember, holidays aren’t always easy for foster children. Don’t try to force festivities on uncomfortable children. Get in touch with FCA Scotland if you need more advice.

Avoid Crowds

New foster children might be uncomfortable in crowds, or even with your extended family. Take things slowly and enjoy home-based activities until they are more settled.

Festive Baking

Baking is a great family activity that anyone can join in with. Even very young foster children can take part, and older kids can bake more independently with supervision.


Craft activities like making Christmas decorations are great for foster children. Give them the option to either leave their decorations with you, so that they can remain a part of your traditions in the future, or take them to their next home, to continue the tradition alone.

Movie Afternoons

Movie afternoons are relaxed, easy and warm. They are ideal for new foster children who are yet to settle, and a great way to welcome them into your home. Ask about their favourite festive or winter films and introduce your own.

Decorate Together

Whether you are decorating for Halloween, or Christmas, or just to add some winter elements to your home, including the children is a great way to welcome them into your home. Let each new foster child leave a mark on your decor.

Winter Walks

When foster children are settled, you might want to start taking them out more, and winter walks are a great way to do it. Getting outdoors is often a chance to bond away from distractions and can be very good for a child’s mental health.

Traditions should be flexible, and it’s normal for them to evolve. But having some simple traditions gives you a great place to start.