Why You May Find Essay Writing Hard?

The Mommies Reviews

Why You May Find Essay Writing Hard?

Many students run into all sorts of trouble when they try to write essays. Yes, some people do find this sort of work easy and fail to understand what can be difficult about it. However, the vast majority of students do not agree. Having to write an essay is their worst nightmare. They spend hours upon hours doing it, undergo constant stress, and yet fail to achieve any significant success. Do you experience this sort of difficulty as well? If so, we hope that this article will help you understand what you may be doing wrong.

1. You Edit Your Essays Wrong

Editing a paper is just as important as actually writing it, but, unfortunately, many students are doing it wrong. How do you edit and proofread your essays? Chances are, you do it as an afterthought, skimming over your writing right before submitting it. The thing is, you should treat it as seriously as writing itself. At the very least, divide the process into several stages: first, go over the overall structure of the paper, then check for mistakes in grammar and syntax, finally check for spelling and punctuation errors. However, the best approach is probably to hire a professional paid essay editor from some online service. Many websites offer this kind of assistance at a reasonable cost these days, and it won’t be hard to find an editor whose conditions will suit you.

2. You Are Perfectionistic

One thing you should understand about essay writing if you want to achieve any sort of success is that ‘done’ is better than ‘perfect’. It may be hard to admit, especially when you are working on something important, like an admission essay, but it is so. Any MBA knows that in any kind of work there is a point of diminishing returns – after you reach it, any additional time you spend on the task is going to add less and less to the eventual result. When you write an essay, it is important to identify this point and stop wasting any more time after you reach it.

3. You Do not Know the Formatting Style Well Enough

Formatting is an important part of working on academic assignments, and many students are nowhere near knowing enough about the formatting styles they are supposed to be using. They have to waste time looking things up in style guides, they make mistakes and have to correct them later on, they get poor grades for the blunders they miss. Fortunately, you can easily find services and apps that can help you bring your writing (the bibliography section in particular) in accordance with the requirements of the chosen style guide.

4. You Do not Know the Subject Well Enough

If you have not done enough research on the topic of your paper, you are very unlikely to have an easy time writing it. It is only natural – if you are not particularly well-versed in the topic, you will have problems expressing yourself about it. Any opinion you may hold on the subject matter will also likely be incomplete and prone to change. In other words, before you start writing your essay, you should take some time and acquire a bit of background knowledge. It will help you avoid delays and mistakes.

5. You Do not Do Enough Preparatory Work

How do you write your essays? Do you simply sit down and start putting your thoughts on paper, without making any preparatory notes? Unfortunately, a huge portion of students work exactly in this manner. If you behave this way, you greatly decrease your chances of producing writing of satisfactory quality. When you forgo writing an outline and preparing a plan for your essay, you may think that you save time. In reality, you most likely make your essay disjointed and chaotic. In addition, you increase the overall amount of time you spend on it rather than decrease it. If you work without a plan, you are more likely to miss things, make mistakes, and waste time correcting them.

6. You Do not Know What to Say

Most students do nothing but repeat someone else’s words throughout their stay in high school and college. They never even try to express their own thoughts; they may not even have them in the first place. If you believe it is true in your case, it is up to you to rectify the situation. When you sit down to write an essay, do not look for an opinion or point of view to support. Think what you think about the subject matter on your own – and look for ways of expressing your ideas.

If you find essay writing difficult, knowing these things will not help you get better at it overnight. However, if you know what you are doing wrong, you stand a much better chance of improving rapidly. We hope that this article will help you get better, and get better fast!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates