Why Parquet Flooring Is Perfect for Fashionable and Functional Mums

The Mommies Reviews

1.) Day-to-Day Maintenance

Unlike carpet, this flooring is relatively low maintenance. This is especially true if you have invested in water-resistant parquet, such as the kind you can find here. Whenever a spillage occurs (which is, let’s face it, a relatively common occurrence in the family home), you can simply wipe or mop the mess away without worrying about the parquet absorbing the stain.

It’s also easy enough to brush any debris away, making it ideal for any who doesn’t have time to whip out the hoover every time the kids get some crumbs on the floor.

2.) Ageless Beauty

Parquet floors have an ageless beauty that endures despite the interior design trends that come and go. The styles available are gorgeous and bespoke, ranging from diamond walnut herringbone to light oak chevron. You are bound to find the perfect style for you and your home.

What’s more, when we say parquet flooring is ageless, we’re being somewhat literal. As this type of floor is typically made from engineered wood (a durable, scratch-resistant material that can endure high levels of foot traffic), it can last for decades without losing its lustre. As a result, the average lifespan of quality parquet floor is a whopping 50 years.

3.) Hygienic

As a mother, ensuring your children are happy and healthy is one of your top priorities. However, there are some types of flooring out there which could actually be putting your family at risk.

For instance, carpet has fibres which can trap bacteria, allowing cultures to grow. If you have toddlers crawling over the floor, they might pick up a nasty bug.

Carpet can also induce allergies when pollen and dust get caught in the fibres. However, as parquet floors are smooth, pathogens and particles can’t find any grounding on them. They are also much more visible, so they can be easily brushed away, protecting your children from harm.

4.) Versatility

Parquet floors can be paired with any aesthetic, from bohemian to modernist. This means you don’t have to limit yourself to one type of decorating, giving you complete creative liberty. They’re also perfect for a variety of rooms in your household, from the kitchen and dining room to the hallways and lounge (especially when paired with a nice rug).