Why Married People Usually Get Caught Having an Affair?

The Mommies Reviews

Although many spouses have promised to love and cherish their beloved until death do them part, a marriage doesn’t usually end up with a happily ever after. Almost 40% of marriages fail because of unforeseen infidelity. 

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There are a bunch of different reasons why couples cheat on each other while they are married. Even though the percentages are so high, infidelity is still seen as the worst thing one can do to each other within a committed relationship. 

Because there are so many external factors that play a role in why married people cheat, it’s important that both parties put in the work to keep their relationship happy and moving forward. 

If you’ve ever wondered why infidelity percentages are so high within marriages, here are a few reasons why:


It’s common knowledge that marriage is extremely hard work. There might come a time within the relationship where one or the other spouse completely loses track of their partner’s needs. Even though the one who feels neglected keeps on trying to resolve the problems, there isn’t any solutions. 

In many cases couples neglect each other when a new baby arrives. With the introduction of a new family member, one or both of the parents focus all their attention on the new baby. After a few months without nurturing each other, they will start feeling neglected. 

Out of frustration the one spouse would go out of wedlock to look for attention. Usually, the finger is being pointed to the cheater, but in retrospect it could be the actions of someone who felt that their needs weren’t met.

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When you first met there were magic in the air. Since then, the sparks have faded away. When we take away chemistry between two people all that is left is the people they truly are. You can have a massive amount of sexual chemistry with someone, this can be confused for compatibility. 

After a few years together, differences become more apparent. Couples who don’t have any similar interests will be at risk of infidelity. Especially if the two of you don’t show any interest in the other’s hobbies, the relationship is bound to fizzle out. 

In cases like these, married couples start living different lives and are therefore more prone to cheating on each other. 


There’s a reason why communication is seen as one of the major pillars in a healthy relationship, without it there will be a huge disconnection between two people. When you don’t show interest in each other’s day, or don’t make time to talk about issues – you won’t feel part of each other’s lives. 

Especially in modern days where smart phones have become part of our immediate environment. Many couples would rather have their eyes locked on their screens than on each other. 

Seeing your spouse constantly on the phone and texting/calling late at night might be a telling sign that they are cheating.

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Constant arguing is the result of a lack of communication and respect that goes hand-in-hand with external pressures such as financial or family orientated. Being with someone who is constantly picking a fight, or nagging isn’t a boost at all. 

Whether you fight about him not putting the toilet seat down, or her not ever washing the dishes. Constant bickering can force your spouse into someone else’s arms. 

Being with someone new relieves the pressures that comes with being married and owning a home. 


Many people joke about the fact that once you are married, the prospects of having sex flies out of the window. Once the honeymoon phase is over, most couples don’t make intimacy a priority. 

Instead of introducing new and exciting sexual accessories into the bedroom, their sex lives become boring. Many couples will go weeks and even months without having passionate intercourse. 

The search for someone new and exciting becomes alluring. Married people won’t necessarily actively look around for someone new, however, it becomes harder to reject someone who flirts with you when your spouse isn’t around.  


Some couples struggle with committing to each other, and to savor their relationship they try an open marriage. Finding some harmless fun outside of their marriage can be exciting at first. When an open marriage isn’t done in the correct way, it could result in a disastrous flood of jealousy and anger here for the top reviewed dating sites for married individuals. 


People who aren’t stable in mind will be more likely to cheat on their partners. Whether they abuse alcohol or drugs, they won’t make sound decisions when a seductive opportunity presents itself. 

Those who do cheat on their spouses while being intoxicated usually blames it on the substance itself. It’s important that people who have addiction problems get help from professionals. 


It has been proven that spouses who fell victim to sexual, emotional, and physical abuse or neglect as a child, will be more likely to cheat.  Children who have been exposed to either one of their parents cheating will showcase similar behavior in their own marriages. 

Individuals have to deal with their past in a controlled environment with a certified psychologist for them to continue with a healthy relationship. 

Whether you are the cheater, have been cheated on, or are considering cheating. It’s best to first discuss all issues with your partner before searching for another escape.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates