Why Is The Hospital Giving My Child Dumex Mamil Gold?

The Mommies Reviews

Why Is The Hospital Giving My Child Dumex Mamil Gold?

Being that you are now a new and proud parent, you probably constantly find yourself watching over your child. You’re probably there watching when they sleep, you’re probably right there when they wake up, and you’re probably there pretty much all the time. While you might feel like an overprotective parent, you need to know that this type of behavior is completely normal. It is only normal to want to protect and be there for your child. That aside, you’ve likely also paid close attention to the feeding rituals of the hospital. If this is the case then you’ve likely noticed that they are giving your child Dumex products. This probably led you to wonder what Dumex products are and why the hospital is giving them to your child. Well, you’ve come to the right place to discover this information.

Backed By A Good Company

To start out, baby products are more than just baby products. What that means is you need to look at more than the product itself. Sure, any baby product can and cannot contain the right ingredients, but just because a product contains the right ingredients and doesn’t contain harmful ones, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should jump right on the ship. No, there is more to baby products than that. You need to also make sure that the product is represented by a trustworthy and reliable company. Spend just a few minutes researching Dumex and you’ll find that they are a company that is exactly all of these things and more. They are present on 5 different continents, have their hands in everything from bottled water to nutritional supplements, and have one of the lowest recall rates on their products.

Pushing The Envelope

You’ll find that Dumex is not only one of the most recognized companies in the nutritional world, but they are always breaking new ground and pushing the envelope with products like Dumex Mamil Gold. With tons of time, money, and effort, they were one of the first companies to discover just how important nutrition is to children during the first few years of their life. Did you know that from the ages of one to three your child’s brain doubles in size? At these ages, it’ll almost reach its full growth potential. No one would know this if it wasn’t for the Dumex Company. They are the ones that discovered this, but more importantly, they discovered how to make sure your child gets the essential nutrients and vitamins that he or she needs to develop a fully functioning brain. That’s exactly what you get when you invest in the Dumex name.

Children Actually Do Love It

While it might seem like your child doesn’t have a mind of his or her own right, this isn’t the case at all. You’ll know immediately if your child likes what he or she is being fed. Once again, this is just another area where Dumex excels and hospitals know it. 90% of babies love Dumex formulas and take right to them. In fact, they can’t get enough of them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Chaerlie and David Cates