Why Is Cold Brew Better Than Iced Coffee?
If you are a coffeeholic, particularly an iced coffee lover then you must read the article until the end. We have gathered a few reasons why cold brew is considerably better than it’s competition in question.
Cold Brew and Iced Coffee are two of the much preferred coffee types of the many available.
Cold Brew Vs Iced Coffee; why the former is preferable
As with most iced drinks, these are usually served in summers. People, however, tend to flout this norm and enjoy them even in the winters. To tame your curiosity of cold brew being whole lot better than the latter, we present you the following reasons:
- The taste
One of the major factors at play is the taste variation. While iced has a more bitter and coarse flavor. Brew on the other hand tastes less bitter and considerably more of a smoother and sweeter drink.
We’ve come to learn that brewed coffee is prepared by steeping coarsely ground coffee in the water overnight. Iced coffee is any regular coffee served over ice cubes. This is merely the reason that causes the taste variation discussed above.
- Health related factors
Most of us are conscious about the overall health issues related to coffee and going overboard with the same.
Within the types, there’s quite a few things to worry about too. As per some health professionals, Cold Brew is far better than its rival version because it contains 65% less acid than the regular. Those with sensitive stomachs or acid reflux plump for brewed-coffee because it is more tolerable.
Further to the previous statement, regular brewed-coffee, not necessarily cold-brew, has worked like a charm for the patients with type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, body fat and others. Regular-brewed is also proven to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which cures several diseases. However, the same research is yet to be conducted on cold-brews or whether these apply on cold-brew drinkers or not.
Now it is for the consumers to decide what they would like to go for.
- Wallet-friendly
Another reason which makes brewed-coffee weigh more than iced coffee is the former being more cost-effective and easy-to-prepare at home. To brew your cold brew, just follow the procedure mentioned below.
To make your own cold-brew, all you gotta do is put your coffee grounds in the French Press or any other appliance on the same lines like Jura Z-10( you can read Jura Z10 review to know more about it) and let them steep in the water overnight or at least for 12 hours. The main ingredient is ready and now all you have to do is to pour the coffee and add a few blocks of ice and that’s it.
This way you can cut down the money you have put aside to spoil yourself at Starbucks or other coffee shops, that would ask quite a lot of bucks for an iced one.
If not the nutrition part, this cost one is likely to push you to go for Cold-brew and not your typical iced-one, which is endorsed by literally every other youtuber nowadays.
Other reasons as to why one must pitch on Cold brew is that it also acts as a fat burner for people. Drinking a cold brew cup of joe while following a workout increases your after-burn effect. This is a slightly more effective method to burn calories.
Final Words
In the above article, we discussed various grounds that make the way for Cold Brew over Iced or regular coffees with a few ice blocks tossed into the cup. We also delved into the nutritive value of Cold brew over others and how it can significantly change your health and body, running contrary to what people think about it. So, if you are someone who is seeking an escape from regular coffees and try out a healthier version, be sure to read the article.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates