Why a Trip to the Global Village will be Educational & Fun for Kids

The Mommies Reviews

If you are in Dubai, there is no reason for you to not visit the Global Village. But it is also a place that kids must also visit. Apart from all the fun they would have, there is so much to learn at this place and it can help shape them into even better human beings, after all, they are the future. You can find the Global Village Dubai Tickets online and it makes the process of entering this place a lot less hectic. As kids are not the most patient, we do not want them to wait in long queues. 

As soon as you enter, you will be welcomed by famous landmarks from all over the world. Show your kids around and teach them all about the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Sydney Opera House and so much more. And when they have the fascinating structures right in front of them, trust us, they will listen. 

As you walk around the Global Village, you would realize how much knowledge you and your kids can take away from this place. 

Why a Trip to the Global Village will be Educational & Fun for Kids?

So, let us take a look at 5 reasons why this trip would be educational and fun for the kids.

1.  Travel the World in a Single Day

The thing the Global Village is probably most known for is its amazing pavilions. Featuring over 80 countries, these pavilions can take your family on a trip around the world in a single day. And we all know that traveling is educational. When you see new things, you learn something new about the world. 

This is your chance to show your kids the countries you have visited and teach them more about those. And with over 80 countries, you can plan your future holiday destinations together.

2. Taste Foods from Around the World

With traveling comes a lot of delicious food. Where else would you get the chance to taste the food from all over the world than in these pavilions. Every corner is packed with multiple food stalls serving that country’s famous snacks or foods. It is time for you and your kids to try something new together. 

From Indian lassi to Yemeni honey to the Palestinian olives, the kids would get to try the specialities of each country which will definitely expand their taste palette and they will see just how different food looks in every corner of the world.

3. Learn About Other Cultures

Now that your kids have traveled to different countries and tried foods from all over the world, they have learnt something new and beautiful. Which is, how every country has different garments, different foods and different infrastructures. 

They would learn how unique each country is and how it makes the world so much more beautiful and interesting. Help them learn, it is good to be different, not two cultures are the same but every one of them should be respected. In the world that loves to hate, teach your kids how to love and respect.

4. The Global Village Carnival

Alright! We have definitely learned a lot at the Global Village and most of the experiences will stick with your kids for life. So, now it is time to look at the fun part. The amusement park at the Global Village is known as the Carnival and it is just as much fun for the adults as it is for the kids. 

Packed with thrilling rides, you and your whole family are bound to have a great time at the Carnival. And it only gets better in the evening when the whole place is glittering with colorful lights. And the carousel is so beautiful, your kids would have a great time riding those magnificent Arabian horses.

5. Enjoy Circus Circus!

The Circus at the Global Village Dubai is called Circus Circus! and it is one of the best circus experiences. And after the lockdown, the Global Village is taking more precautions, so, guess what you get to sit next to? Bears. 

Yes, just in case you forget to keep the distance, the bears sitting on alternative seats would be a great reminder. Performances from the most talented acrobats make the circus thrilling and fun to watch. And you can always count on the clowns to make you smile with their funny acts.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates