Where has the year gone??

Keep calm back in business


Do you feel like me and can not believe this year is more than half over???  Can you believe it is June? Before we know it this 2015  will be gone and it will be 2016? Charlie will be 8 and I will be way over the hill as I am going to turn 51. So not only where has this year gone to but where has my life gone to??? Like everyone else I had so may Goals and plans for this year and the year is half over and I have accomplished nothing. Now I can blame this on life, or other people but if the truth be known it is my fault that the year is half over and I have not accomplished my goals.

So with Summer beginning I am taking a STAND. No, more letting the year slide by and I sit back and watch. I am back and I am ready to work like crazy to hit the Goals I wanted to make in the first of the year. let the year go and I will be kicking and screaming as I am back and I am better than ever.

I am going to be working on new post and new reviews as I refuse to let this year go by with out at least making some of my Goals. As I refuse to say at the end of the year it is gone and I did nothing as I can not and will not do that to my family or my blogs or my readers.

So be watching as I am ready to kick butt and get to moving and growing and bringing you new posts each and every day. As it is Summer and Charlie and I will have lots and lots of new adventures to share with you all!!!

May God Bless you on this Monday and lets all plan to make this year count. Lets not sit her and say well it is gone and I did nothing!!!!


Glenda, David and Charlie