When you step up from the role of a team member to team manager

The Mommies Reviews

When you step up from the role of a team member to team manager, things can seem a little strange. When you become a manager in your team of people you can often feel out of place and to be honest, you might not have a clue what you are doing. However, there are some personality traits you have which will make your time as a manager easier, and here they are

A good heart

The first thing you need to be an effective and a good boss is a good heart. If you are a cold individual and you only care about your own success you won’t make a good leader. A leader is someone who delegates to their workers and who lifts them up. You will be the one who is their offering them a boost in their careers and you will be a person who invests time in their lives. Having a good heart helps you see your workers as real people who are the same as you, and this can allow you to offer the best support.

A knowledge filled mind

The second thing you should definitely bring with you into a managers role is a mind full of knowledge. You can take courses such as a master in masters in management online and this will help you to hone your skills and knowledge to be used with your workers at a later date. Managers can be inspirational for their workers and you will often be asked many questions about business and the industry. Reading up and knowing your stuff pays and it will show your team that you are fit to lead them.

Patience and understanding

A manager must never get angry and shout at their employees because this is something which is simply wrong and rude. You must be a patient soul to be in a managing position because sometimes your workers will make mistakes. No matter how hard you try to keep things in order, mistakes can be made and it is not necessarily their fault. Approach every situation calmly and find out what happened. Understanding the situation is key and it will allow you to really be a great manager for all.

Communication skills

As a boss, you have to be able to communicate with your team. The people who work for you on the team are always waiting for your commands and your approval, and you need to be able to show them this on a regular basis. Show praise when people get things right and make sure they know that their work is appreciated. Each week, have a catch-up with each member of the team to see how they really doing and whether they need extra support. You can offer training classes and courses to allow people to gain qualifications and this can propel them into their career. Communication can make your office happier and it will bring you all closer together. You will work more effectively as a result and see a higher success rate in the business world.

Thank you,


Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates