Own Your Opportunities Shares Woman of Color’s Path to Confidence in the Wake of Workplace Trauma
Atlanta, GA, July 11, 2023 — Author and leadership consultant Juliet Hall remembers vividly the day she was called into a meeting and presented with three options: stay (with a performance improvement plan hanging over her head), transfer to another team or just leave. While jarring, the ultimatum forced her to face a crossroads she’d been careening toward for 18 months.
“At a certain point, I began to feel like I was outgrowing the situation, outgrowing the corporate culture that I was a part of — even outgrowing my role. I knew that my capacity was larger than the sandbox I was given,” Hall said in a recent interview.
After years of working in a corporate system that was neither created by her nor for her, Hall steeled herself for her final exit from a company that didn’t value her gifts and contributions. During that unforgettable meeting, the walls of the glassy corporate tower seemed to be closing in, but in one remarkable moment of clarity, a window opened in her soul, and she saw a path to freedom.
In Own Your Opportunities, Hall shares her true story as an example for others (particularly women) who feel disillusioned and overwhelmed in corporate America. She recounts her job experiences spanning 20 years — building a narrative to show how she evolved, discovered her gifts and succeeded in a career amid a backdrop of corporate trauma before making the pivot to realize her dream.
“When I speak to people about making their own pivots, I don’t believe in just jumping. I don’t believe in quitting on the spot without a plan,” Hall cautioned, adding that the process of preparation includes having a plan for finances and for maintaining relationship networks. “I don’t believe that you should leave alone. Especially if you are pivoting to self-employment or starting a business.”
In her book, readers will learn how she:

• Identified her value and gifts.
• Refused to be put in a box and allow others to define success for her.
• Took responsibility for her own growth and development.
Vividly written, Own Your Opportunities is a champion for self-belief and dream fulfillment in women. Readers will benefit from Hall’s wisdom and personal experiences of how she developed her human capital, identified her value, took risks and positioned herself to achieve her dream.
“I believe that living out your intended creation and becoming the best version of your human existence is the gift that we not only give to the world, but in my opinion, living in that excellence of being who you are is ultimately how we glorify our creator,” Hall added.
About the Author
Juliet Hall is the principal of Juliet Hall INC, a boutique leadership consulting agency based in Atlanta. Recognized by several organizations in Atlanta as a “Top Black Woman of Influence,” Hall serves as an advisor and coach to C-suite and deputy leaders and speaks on national stages on the topics of servant/inclusive leadership and self-maximization. After 20 years of leadership in the corporate system, Hall faced her own words: “You can courageously build your own kingdom or be an unfulfilled laborer in someone else’s.”
She is passionate about helping leaders, especially women, who are at a professional crossroads to pursue their own self-discovery, develop their natural talents and thrive in what they are uniquely created to do. Hall has presented her work to executives across different industries, including government, education, healthcare, ministry and nonprofit. A graduate of Spelman College and the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia, she has traveled to over 20 countries and enjoys cardio boxing and playing tennis.
Her book, Own Your Opportunities, is a 2023 Nautilus Book Award winner in the category of personal growth and self-help.
For more information, please visit or follow the author on Instagram (juliet.hall) and YouTube (@juliethall1908).
Own Your Opportunities
Publisher: Post Hill Press
ISBN-10: 1637585403
ISBN-13: 978-1637585405
Available from Amazon.com, BN.com and many other online retailers
Own Your Opportunities: A Story of Self-Discovery and Self-Determination

Silver Award Winner in the “Personal Growth/Self-Help” Category of the Nautilus Awards
Own Your Opportunities is a self-portrait of a Black woman in corporate America who discovers her value and walks away from a company to pursue sanity and the freedom to realize her dream.
Own Your Opportunities https://www.amazon.com/Own-Your-Opportunities-Self-Discovery-Self-Determination/dp/1637585403?is uplifting to women who may feel disillusioned and overwhelmed in corporate America. The story begins with Juliet Hall making a career-defining decision to leave a company after being told her desired career path would not happen. She then recounts her job experiences spanning twenty years—building a narrative to show how she evolved, discovered her gifts, and succeeded in a career amidst a backdrop of corporate trauma before making the pivot to realize her dream.
No matter the opposition—whether it’s family and tradition, systemic bias and marginalization, or difficult leadership—there is always a path forward. In this book, readers will learn how she:
· Identified her value and gifts.
· Refused to be put into a box and allow others to define success for her.
· Took responsibility for her own growth and development.
Vividly written, Own Your Opportunities is a champion to self-belief and dream fulfillment in women. Readers will benefit from Hall’s wisdom and personal experiences of how she developed her human capital, identified her value, took risks, and positioned herself to achieve her dream.
“Juliet will always bring light to your day. It’s a nice read when someone else can express your thoughts better than you can yourself.” —George Wallace, Comedian/Actor
“Through magnetic storytelling, Juliet masterfully shares truth serum for your workplace toolkit. In a pertinent and poignant reveal, she frames the need-to-know reality that survival in the workplace requires more than oxygen. Inhale.” —Patricia Russell-McCloud, Esq., International Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author of A Is for Attitude
“Own Your Opportunities is an important read for any leader who is trapped in a workplace culture of marginalization. Leaders—women or men—who have the capability, capacity, and confidence that is unrecognized and/or intentionally underutilized will find wise advice and affirming assurance to seek windows offering new visions and paths charting new directions for their professional and personal lives.” —Martha P. Farmer, Founding Director of Leadership America (Leadership Women™)
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates