This weekend has been so hard Charlie work up Friday morning with his jaw and tooth hurting. Not have insurance and trying to save every penny we have to move. I’ve given everything I can find that I thought might help Charlie alleviate the pain.

The meds we’ve been using makes Charlie sleep which is the only time he isn’t hurting. Please PRAY Charlie gets easier soon and is back to normal. I miss my son and his smile which isn’t happening as his mouth is swollen. But he is eating here and there even though it hurts.
Then this morning when David let my head felt like it was exploding. I know its stress and being worried about moving. Charlie being sick and David working as much as he has had to. On top of that the landlord now want’s us out at the end of the month and we can’t get into the new house until the 24th of May.
I did take my meds for my Blood Pressure this morning which is an over-the-counter med from GNC called Preventive Nutrition Healthy Blood Pressure Formula and before you ask me if it works. At times I think it does and other times I am not so sure.
Like Charlie I’ve been on the couch sleeping off and own this morning which is because of the meds and my head hurting so bad. But also, it’s a part of the depression I suffer from. I am hoping and PRAYING when we move to find Insurance so all of us can go to the doctor and get the meds we need. Until then I am asking for Prayers not only for me but Charlie and David as well.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates