Good morning, how are you? As we move further into the week, I wanted to share a new book with you. I received in exchange for this review. When Mama Grows with Me. When Mama Grows with Me written by Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler illustrated by Kate Jordan. Check out The Thing with Feathers guest post By Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler.
I sat down this morning to read When Mama Grows with Me. which has the cutest little child on the cover of the book. You should see the beautiful blue eyes looking at us and the blond hair hiding in the flowers which will make you smile and want to get outside into a garden. Would you like tto go with us?
I like how the Author inscribed the book to Grandma Helen which reminded me of my grandma and gardening with her as a child. As well as Charlie and his grandmother Sherry. I can’t wait to share the book with her and to remind Charlie he should write there gardening escapes in a journal for Homeschool which he can share with his children when they grow. up.
I love how the Author reminds us plants take time to grow and we must be patient which I am not very good at. Are you? I love how the Author explains step by step what the plants will do and what we should do when planting them. Charlie can do like the little boy and pretend to be a see in our Homeschool PE Class. Would you like to join Charlie?
Charlie and I learned about putting the seeds in a greenhouse which we are going to build in our Art Class. Would you like to help us? We learn animals like to eat the plants and learn to act like a Bird which gets us up and moving as we can act like a Bird as well. They water the plants and find Frogs which Charlie and I can go outside and hunt for while acting like a Frog. Would you like to join us?
The plants have grown from babies to teenagers. They plant the plants in their Garden which Charlie could do in our flower bed. Would you like to join us and plant flowers? Then we act like a tree and there is so many that no, two trees will be alike making this a fun exercise for PE. Would you like to join us?
Did you know waiting helps your mind grow a healthy attitude? We learn about Zinnias which Charlie and I are going to take a field trip to a plant store to look at. Would you like to join us? We learn about Pollinators like Butterflies. Giving Charlie a new spelling word this week. For a Field Trip we can go study in the Zoo and add the animals to our Lesson Plans this year.
Come join us and we can pretend to be a Moth and a Butterfly. The Author even teaches us about Bats leading Charlie and I on another field trip. Now let’s pretend we are a Bat. Bees are out now can you make a sound like a Bee? We earn about Autumn and biochemical process which we can study in our Science. Class.
Charlie and I loved When Mama Grows with Me which is the prefect book for children of all ages. I love how throughout the story children will not realize they are learning and how this book can be used as a story book a learning tool and also as a way to get children up and moving. As well as helping them get outside to garden bringing families closer together.
About: When Mama Grows with Me

$14.95 – $25.95
ON SALE 9/19/23!!!
written by Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler illustrated by Kate Jordan
In When Mama Grows with Me, a mama and her son create their own garden, starting with just a few small seeds and ending with a beautiful display of flowers. They observe how pollinators help the earth stay healthy, learn how to care for plants, and meet other critters that live in their garden, all while playfully shaping their bodies into yoga poses inspired by nature. Not only do Mama and her son learn valuable lessons about their garden, but along the way, they also learn to practice patience.
By pairing lessons with movement, Rebecca Wheeler helps young readers make connections between the natural world and their own emotional experiences. Learn the value of patience and practice some fun yoga poses in this beautifully illustrated children’s book.
Includes a step-by-step guide to each yoga pose!
“I really loved reading When Mama Grows with Me, a brightly colored picture book full of beautiful illustrations and wonderful lessons for little ones. There is so much to be learned from nature, and Rebecca Wheeler shares many interesting facts through a loving story of a child gardening with Mama. Along the way, there are also excellent lessons on emotional health as well as relaxation techniques learned through fun yoga poses. In a world where children have so much screen time every day, a book like this one is extremely valuable and important as it encourages outside time, a love of beauty and nature, and spending time with family. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves and interacts with children!”
—Stacey Bartlett, author of Free Sings the Sea]
Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler was raised in West Point, a small town in the Tidewater region of Virginia. From the moment she submitted her first short story to a young author’s contest in second grade, Rebecca knew she wanted to be a writer. Her love of writing led her to earn a BA in English and an MEd in English education. She spent several years as a high school teacher, where she also developed a passion for mental health promotion.
Rebecca completed an MA in professional counseling, and now serves as an elementary school counselor and a college adjunct psychology instructor. Rebecca also teaches yoga for the young and the young at heart, and she likes to infuse yoga and breath work in her counseling practice wherever she can. She believes the most valuable use of her time is to teach youth how to love and care for each other and the world around them. Her stories share this focus on positive relationships and a love of nature. Rebecca now lives in Durham, North Carolina, with her husband, two children, and a spoiled Siamese cat.
You can follow her on Instagram @rebeccawwheeler_author
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates