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This is a review for the self-help book What Would Jesus Say The Seven Messages from the Master by Rev. Terry Allan Christian which I received a physical copy of the book for this review.
I was surprised to find the book begins with the Poem “Footprints in the Sand” which is written by Mary Stevenson which was my mothers all- time favorite poem. Although the Author had re-written the poem making it hers. Then as you open the book to begin reading you find the author has broken the book down into chapters featuring the seven messages.
Featuring Jesus’s teachings on: the Christ, the Father and Son, the Word, Jesus being the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Kingdom of Heaven, the End Times, and the Holy Spirit. In our Homeschool Charlie and I will be reading the End Times together and discussing what is going to happen and why. Would you like to join us?
I liked knowing the Author has not changed the words of Jesus but put them in away that feels like a private conversation between the reader and Christ. The subheadings make for an easy reference to find what Jesus says about worry, believing, marriage, children, anger and much more. Which when struggling with life you can go back and reread without having to read the whole book.
The section on the Word was powerful and kept me thinking for day. In the book is seven overall messages and hundreds of sub messages on Jesus and His wisdom. Jesus is just so rich and profound in what He says. The book was created for adults but even children can learn from the book if there parents take the time to explain what they heard.
About: Rev. Terry Allan Christian

Larry Brophy has over 40 years of experience as a principal in a variety of businesses. Types of businesses run the gamut from residential builder and gold mine operator to financial planner and registered investment advisor, to president of a software subsidiary of a public company. He recently retired as owner of an internet e-commerce firm. This range of life experience has taught him what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t work.
Over this period of time, Larry has presented on a professional level to more than 150 groups ranging from dozens to hundreds of people. Topics have been as diverse as planning for personal financial success, building win-win relationships in business, and creating meaningful long-term relationships.
More importantly, his avocation for the past 40 years has been the study of philosophy, personal development and human potential, struggling to define his place in the world. Larry has studied under a broad array of teachers from many disciplines and has shared the truths and lessons learned from these studies with hundreds of people on an individual basis.
On a personal level, his primary goal is to enjoy every day of life. Larry is an optimist, believing every person is capable of living a life of abundance and joy. He enjoys helping others and sharing ideas and truths that assist them in living a more personally rewarding life. A generalist rather than an expert, he is comfortable and at peace with himself and the world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates