What Will Happen If You Eat Expired CBD Edibles?

The Mommies Reviews

What Will Happen If You Eat Expired CBD Edibles?

CBD is popular currently, and therefore most people are tempted to pile a stock of possible CBD edibles to experience its health benefits. While doing this, you have to know that all these products have an expiration date. It represents that the products will remain best only for some time, and then it is not worth taking. You may have observed the “best before date” label on the CBD products such as oil, tincture, gummies, etc. It is necessary to know the expiration date of any product, and this drug is no exception. Using the products before the expiration date may give you the best results. CBD Edibles and their other products can change and degrade over time.


Do CBD edibles expire?

Like any other supplements of CBD, edibles expire, and it has a shelf life of 12 to 18 months. It depends upon the quality and the way you have stored. After the expiration date, the products degrade and lose their potency. You can increase the shelf life of the edibles by taking some preventive measures and high-quality products. The expiration of these products depends upon the following things:

  1. Ingredients

Ingredients added to the products are mainly responsible for the shelf life. The inadequate testing of components may lead to the growth of molds, microbes, the presence of heavy metals, and other contaminants which may damage the products. The flavorings added to the products expire and affect the edibles.

  1. Storage

People make mistakes when the product comes to storage. When it is not stored correctly, it may increase the decay rate and reduce the potency of the edibles.

  1. Extraction method      

Some companies use the old extraction method using alcohol or butane, cheaper methods. Nowadays, they use the most effective and cleanest CO2 extraction method. It may leave some traces in the products. A small amount may not harm your health, but it may affect the shelf life.

What happens when you take expired CBD edibles?

You have to know that taking expired edibles will not harm your body. The expiration date of any product will make you think that any food item may result in the development of many harmful bacteria. CBD products have a concentrated hemp extract without plant material that is prone to decomposition. Hence you may not get any ill effects on your health.

The degradation of the drug may make you disheartened. It is due to the aging of CBD and the loss of its potential health benefits. The expired cannabis product will be less effective in treating your health issues. It is similar to that of the medications used for the treatment. The shelf- life of the cannabis remains for two years. But it is suggested to take it within 6-9 months. The accurate expiration date of the product solely depends upon the extraction method used to produce the hemp concentrate. Also, expiration time depends upon the ingredients added to it to manufacture the product.

Improper storage of the products will expire soon before the expiration date printed on the label. Light and heat are the two main factors involved in losing their potency. It is due to the oxidation of molecules. It breaks down the molecules and weakens their molecule. The cheaper method used to prepare the product may result in unstable compound molecules. So it is suggested to use the CO2 extraction method.

The expired edibles may develop molds and develop an undesirable odor and taste. If you eat these expired edibles, you will not fall sick. Expired edibles may not carry freshness as they have before. The texture also gets very hard after the expiration date as other edibles. But the THC quality will not change. These changes will not make you unwell, but it gives you an unpleasant taste.

How to avoid the expiration of CBD edibles?

It is now clear that CBD loses its potency by its expiration date. Let us see the ways to avoid the expiration of the products.

1. Check the expiration date 

While purchasing the product, always check the date of expiration. It does not mean that the expiration date is two years from your purchase. Sometimes, cannabis sellers may store hemp products, which have an expiry date in a short time. Don’t purchase things not labeled with the expiry date. If there is no expiry date, check the batch number given in the pack and contact the manufacturers asking for the due date of that product.

2. Purchase only to your need

You have to purchase only the needed quantity of the product, to avoid stocking the product which will expire after two years. When you buy an excess amount, you cannot use it before the expiry may lead to a waste of money and products. Considering this in mind, the users buy what they need for a month. Like this, they are using the products before it expires and enjoying the potential health benefits.

3. Proper storage

Proper storage of CBD is a factor in maintaining its freshness. It results from the expiration of the product soon before the expiration date. When it is not stored correctly, it is exposed to light and heat and causes the oxidation of the molecules. Therefore you have to keep the product in a cool and dark place.

4. Don’t buy low-quality products

Make sure you are buying high-quality products from reputed vendors. Because buying low-quality products may expire soon for different reasons. The main reason for the expiry of low-quality products is the cheap extraction procedure. It may cause the product to be unstable. Moreover, the synthetic products added to it may lead to the breakdown of the molecules present in the hemp products.


Is it safe to eat expired edibles?

After some period, there will be a change in the molecular structure of the CBD, and it will not be in edible form. You have to consume the product, which is appropriately stored, and it is not harmful to eat the edibles not more than two years past expiration. You can consume edibles even after the completion of the expiry date without the presence of any molds. It is advisable to consume edible within 6- 9 months from manufacture. The freshness shows the potency level, and after 9 months, it degrades. There is no use in consuming hemp without the benefits. Otherwise, it is safe to drink even after expiry.


Generally, the expiration of CBD products may result in the loss of the substance and other cannabinoid potencies. There are no harmful effects after taking the expired products. Buy the fresh products and store them correctly according to the instructions given with the products. Follow this to keep your products lasting for long. Ensure to check the expiry date of the products on the pack.

Thank you

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates