What to Do If Your House Gets Broken Into

The Mommies Reviews

What to Do If Your House Gets Broken Into

It’s every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Your house gets broken into, and all your possessions are stolen. What do you do? The first thing you should do is call the police. Then, depending on the severity of the break-in, you may want to take other steps.

In this blog post, we will discuss what to do if your house gets broken into and how to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Steps to Take In the Event of a Break-In

If your house gets broken into, the first thing you should do is call the police. They will come to your house and investigate the break-in. Depending on the severity of the break-in, they may take other steps, such as filing a report or arresting the perpetrator.

If you have a home security provider like ADThome, the police may be contacted already.
Once the police have been called, you should assess the damage. See if anything was stolen and make a list of what is missing. If you have a home insurance policy, then call them and start the claims process.
If you don’t have home insurance, you will have to pay for the repairs out of pocket. You may also want to consider investing in a home security system to prevent this from happening again.

Preventing Future Break-Ins
You can do a few things to prevent your house from getting broken into in the first place.
The first is to make sure your doors and windows are locked. This may seem like an obvious step, but many break-ins happen because homeowners forget to lock their doors.

You should also consider investing in a home security system. This will deter burglars from breaking into your house and alert the authorities if someone tries to break in.
If you have a hard time remembering to lock your doors and windows, a smart home automation system that handles this for you can be a great solution.

You should also keep your valuables in a safe place. If a burglar does break into your house, they are less likely to find and steal your valuables if they are hidden away.

How to Recover Lost Items

If you have been the victim of a break-in, there is a chance that you can recoup the value of some of your lost items.
If you have home insurance, your policy will likely cover the cost of some or all of your lost possessions. You will need to file a claim and provide documentation of what was stolen.

If you don’t have home insurance, you may be able to get reimbursed by the police if they catch the person who broke into your house. They may have a list of stolen items that you can check against what is missing from your home.
Final Thoughts

No one wants to think about their house getting broken into. However, it’s important to be prepared in case it does happen. Taking the proper steps can minimize the damage and ensure your home is safe from future break-ins.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates