What Are the Top 3 Causes of Sleep Disorders?

What Are the Top 3 Causes of Sleep Disorders?


Do you have trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. This blog post will look at the top causes of sleep disorders. Continue reading to learn more about sleep disorders and how to get the help you require.

What Causes Sleeping Disorders?


Sleep is necessary for our health. People are unaware that a lack of good quality sleep can lead to various health issues, including impaired immune function, concentration levels, weight gain, and heart disease. The National Sleep Foundation says about 10% to 30% of adults struggle with chronic insomnia. What are the most common causes of sleep apnea?

Not all sleeping disorders are the same: these depend and vary according to the disorder type. We’ve broken down some of the most common sleeping disorders below:

1. Environmental Disruptions

Poor sleep hygiene plays a huge role in causing sleeplessness and may include things like:

  • wrong room temperature (too hot or cold) 
  • loud noises
  • comfort
  • sense of safety

2. Lifestyle Factors

For many, lifestyle factors that contribute to insomnia go unnoticed, with things like:

  • irregular sleeping schedules
  • unhealthy morning routines
  • taking coffee at night
  • working out in the evenings
  • specific medications prescribed
  • too much screen time before bed (particularly action or horror movies)
  • stress
  • engaging in psychologically intense activities before bedtime 
  • drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes
  • bringing your work home

These factors make it difficult for your mind to relax enough to enter sleep mode.

3. Medical Reasons

Bodily pains make it difficult to fall asleep and are a major cause of sleep disorders. Physicians at Melbourne sleep clinic can help you resolve any medical-related issues. Some of these include:

  • Physical pain (migraine, constant ache due to osteoarthritis, ulcers)
  • Health-related (asthma)
  • Medical psychiatry (clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder)
  • Insomnia (trouble falling asleep or only sleeping a few hours a night)
  • Sleep apnea (condition punctuated by irregular breathing patterns while sleeping)
  • Restless Legs Syndrome (asleep movement condition, aka Willis-Ekbom disease – characterized by an unpleasant need to move one’s legs while falling asleep.
  • Narcolepsy (excessive drowsiness during daytime)


Poor sleep bears a more serious effect than just feeling sleepy throughout the day, and that’s why it’s important to seek medical care and initiate treatment as soon as possible. 

However, the real issue is ignorance: we aren’t aware of what causes these sleeping disorders and rarely pick up on the various everyday habits that influence them. Identifying the cause of your sleeplessness is the first step to getting help and improving your health.






Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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