Goodf morning, I wanted to share a new book you will find us using in our Homeschool which is also in our Easter Gift Guide 2023: What About: Philosophy (TW What About) by Twirl which is also from Chronicle Books who sent me a physical copy of the book in exchange for this review.

Homeschooling children can be both exhilarating but frustrating as well. Especially when our children refuse to do school no, matter what you do. Which is what has been happening with Charlie. I’ve gotten to the point I’ve just about given up. I believe Charlie needs to go back to school full time. Which David and Charlie don’t agree with.
To keep the PEACE in our home I just let Charlie and David do what they want. But I’m always leaving books lay9ing around the house praying Charlie will open the books up and read them. The last book I placed on my coffee table was What About: Philosophy . I like how the orange draws in your ryes and the figure on the book makes you want to pick it up and flip through the story.
The other day while Charlie was eating breakfast I sat down beside him. Charlie was on his phone so I picked up this book and began to thumb through the book. Before I knew what was happening I was making note of things in the book to share with David. Charlie asked me what I was doing. I let Charlie know I found something I wanted to share with David.

I let Charlie know that the book mentioned God who Charlie has been struggling with. I love how the Author not only ask questions children might ask but that you answered them saving parents’ time. What About: Philosophy is a Cartoon book full of illustrations of bright colors that will not only capture children’s eyes but parents as well.
I love how the Author asked “what is it like to be in love?” Charlie’s favorite chapter was “what does it mean to be brave”? because Charlie has been struggling with this as more and more of his friends do things they shouldn’t be doing and ask him to do them with him. Charlie said the LORD and eing brave and knowing how much he is loved has kept him from following in his friends footsteps.
We kept thumbing through the novel and as we did Charlie began to talk to me and open up about school and his What About: Philosophy can bring families closer together and why this book should be used in all schools and in all libraries. Charlie even asked me if the Author had other books out which is a Godsend because I knew Charlie would read them as well.

David liked the section asking “Do we always have to be kind” which was fun discussing with David and Charlie. Because no, we don’t have to but I believe everyone should. Don’t you?” also loved how the author answered a question my family has been struggling with “why do we go to school”. Did if change Charlie’s thoughts on school no, but it did lead to us talking and we know have a plan for next year. Thank the LORD and the Author now I can breathe, and I don’t feel like a failure.
Once you finish What About: Philosophy you should check out What About The Universe and What ABout Science which can also be used when Homeschooling or just as a book children and adults will want to read. I believe these books are perfect for Middle Schoolers but could see younger children reading them with there parents help as well as adults.

What is money for? Why are there wars? Should we always be nice? Curious kids have lots of questions about the world they live in and the feelings they have. They will explore answers to these questions and many more in this exceptional illustrated Q&A book. Questions about how to think about freedom, jealousy, and going to school, among others, are answered in a fun, kid-friendly way and accompanied by quirky cartoon illustrations that engage them in talking about big life questions.
• 80 pages of real-life questions and answers for kids ages 7 and up
• Fun illustrations that engage readers
• Content reviewed by philosophy advisers and sensitivity reader
What About: Philosophy is a Q&A book that offers easy-to-understand answers to challenging life questions!
• Great family and classroom read-aloud book
• Nonfiction books for kids
• Educational books for elementary school students
Fans of What About: Philosophy will also enjoy other books in the series, The Universe and Science.

Anne-Sophie Chilard is the editor-in-chief of the children’s magazine J’aime lire. She is the co-author of several books of activities and recipes for children, and lives in Paris. Jean-Charles Pettier taught philosophy in high school, and is now a doctoral candidate in philosphy. He introduces the subject to young children through a column in the children’s magazine, Pomme d’api, He lives near Paris. Pascal Lemaitre is the illustrator of the numerous children’s books, including the bestselling picture books, Come with Me, Do Not Open This Book!, and many more. During the year, he splits his time between Brussels, Belgium, and Brooklyn, New York.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates