Wendy Glidden

The Mommies Reviews

I’ve joined a new business networking site I would like to invite you to check out. The new site is called Alinable. I’ve been blessed to meet some amazing people and learn about there companies on the website. I hope you take the time to check out the site.

In the meantime please let me introduce you to Wendy Glidden the Author the blog You Are Worthy Too when you visit the blog please take the time to listen to the song she has shared with us. Then come back and let me know what you thought of the song and why.

Wendy Glidden

My name is Wendy Glidden. I am a Mom of 10 and a Grandma of 7. God spoke to me at a young age and informed me that I would be a mother to many. I ran from that promise with a vengeance! However, despite my best attempts, I could not out run God. He delivers on His promises for He is faithful! My child hood dreams were to be a famous author.

Please visit FabOver40 a website where Wendy is in a contest and take the time to read her Why and if wouldn’t mind vote for her. Winning this contest could change her life. If I can help you with anything leave me a comment.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates