Weight Watchers Instant Pot Smart Points Cookbook

The Mommies Reviews

The other day David, Charlie and I stopped by Half Price Bookstore before we was all asked to stay inside because of Covid-19. While there I found the Weight Watchers Instant Pot Smart Points Cookbook.

I picked a copy up for myself thinking it might entice me to use my Instant Pot which the cookbook didn’t do.The book ended up sitting on the counter becoming a piece of the furniture.

As I was talking to David and Charlie I reminded them Aunt Debbie’s Birthday iis next month and so is Mother’s Day. David said I have the perfect Gift for you sister.

David brought me my copy of the Weight Watchers Instant Pot Smart Points Cookbook and said we should give her this because her and Alyssa are always using there Instant Post.

Both of them are looking to lose weight and this would give them different recipes to make for dinner using Weight Watchers which Debbie is a member of.

David also said that we could have them over and all of us could use the Cookbook and they could teach us how to use my Instant Pot and we would have new meals for dinner which would help us lose the wieght we need to lose.

Book Overview

There are different types of diet regimens that promise a lot of health benefits. One of the diet regimens that you can follow to lose weight is the Weight Watchers diet.

The Weight Watchers diet is a lifestyle-change program as it imparts dieters to eat healthier and engage in physical activities in order to lose weight. The Weight Watchers is a membership diet program that offers you different services such as exercise programs, recipes, weekly meeting schedule, and one-on-one consultations.

Unlike other types of regimens, Weight Watchers does not restrict dieters from eating certain foods thereby making this diet program great for people with different types of food preference.

The Complete Weight Watchers Instant Pot Cookbook – with 60 Healthy and Delicious Instant Pot Cooker Recipes. It’s more that just a simple recipe book and you’ll be treated to something quite different, including chapters on: What Are Smartpoints? Pros and Cons of Smartpoints Advantages & Disadvantages & Mistakes When Using Instant Pot Cooking, Amazing Delicious Recipes.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates