Week 1 Library Week

The Mommies Reviews

Did you know that week one in April is Library Week? For s family the library can quickly become home away from home. As they check out books for the children to read but research for projects and things. If your like me we use it as a Field Trip and a way for Charlie and I to get a break from each other.

Did you know David hates taking Charlie and I to the library because we can’t come home without 10 to20 book each and before you ask yes, we read each and every book. Do you like to read as well? Would you like to visit the library with me and Charlie?

Week 1 Library Week

Image result for library week

Did you know National Library Week, takes place April 3rd to April 9th, allowing libraries to celebrate their workers. From Harry Potter to Danielle Steel for me. I’m sure you’ve ran to the library to borrow your favorite book. Then comes studying. Haven’t we all spent endless hours in the library going over exams, or borrowing textbooks, and using free online resources? Do you remember that feeling of getting a brand-new library card? Then checking out a mountain of DVD’s? Times have changed since the millennium, but isn’t the library staff always professional and kind? Libraries are pivotal to Society to universities and schools. Celebrating libraries, means celebrating silent reading. It’s an obvious good deed during National Library Week, to look back on our love for the smell of an old book and thank our local public libraries.


Research has revealed that by the mid-1950s, Americans were spending significant amounts of time listening to the radio, watching TV and playing musical instruments. Through concern that people were not reading enough, in 1954 a non-profit book committee was established by the American Library Association (ALA) and the American Book Publishers. National Library Week was first sponsored in 1958. National Library Week was developed with the intent to motivate people to read as and to support local libraries. 

The yearly affair is doubly sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) who decided that National Library Week be observed every April. When first set out, the aims of National Library Week were described as ambitious, and some goals were thought to be overzealous. Including expecting this week to improve American household incomes and health and helping develop strong and happy family lives. 

Did you know National Library Week also occurs during Support Teen Literature Day, School Library Month and National Bookmobile Day? The first theme ever in 1958 was ‘‘Wake up and Read!’’ The libraries expected to observe National Library Week are non-specific and much broader. Including school libraries, local libraries, academic libraries, university libraries, and much more. 

In 2020 the theme for National Library Week was ‘‘Find Your Place at The Library’’ but due to the Covid-19 global Pandemic, libraries were closed under a nationwide lockdown. However, many libraries were open virtually providing services and digital content to your heart’s desire.


  1. Due to Covid-19, still happening let’s celebrate by showing our appreciation for libraries and librarians around the world who are still making content available to us. Let’s use the online services they’ve made available to us and continue supporting libraries as a community in this time of crisis.
  2. Show your support on Social Media. Follow the American Library Association and I Love Libraries, but make sure you’re using the correct hashtags. They’re #LibrariesTransform and #NationalLibraryWeek. Follow these accounts and interact with other library lovers. ALA: Twitter: @ALALibrary, Facebook: @AmericanLibraryAssociation, Instagram: @americanlibraryassociation. Follow I Love Libraries: Twitter and Facebook: @IloveLibraries.
  3. In honor of this week, sift through your book collection and revisit the classics. You should try and pick the books you first read by borrowing those books from the library.


  1. The 2020 National Library Week honorary chairs are Olympic Medalists Maia and Alex Shibutani.
  2. On April 21st every year, it is also National Library Workers Day make sure you thank the library workers today.
  3. In Jamaica, National Library Week is held on March 6th to March 12th.
  4. Did you know Melinda Gates was the honorary chair of National Library Week in 2019?
  5. Here is a fun tip for you. The library of congress is the biggest library in the world.


  1. National Library Workers Day also falls on National Library Week celebrating library staff, administrators, library groups, users and anyone who works in libraries all over the Country. This Holiday also recognizes the valuable contributions made by library workers.
  2. Every day is a book themed revelation! Each day during the week are book and library themed, a haven for book junkies out here. On Monday there is a ‘‘State of America’s Libraries Report’’ released which includes a list of the ‘Ten frequently Challenged Books’’ of the year list. On Thursday, you are encouraged to share library stories including which books we’ve read.
  3. The American Library Association (ALA) plans each year in advance and they reveal the theme around January and offer free promotional tools to promote National Library Week. Materials include press releases, ready-made graphics that can be shared on Social Media. They plan a webinar where they share creative ideas from the public on how libraries can use National Library Week to reach communities.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates