Wealth Building For Beginners

The Mommies Reviews

As a Black man in a predominately white industry, financial planner Edward R. Williams was raised in the working class, which is were Wealth Building for Beginners, an instruction manual for ordinary people begin today to enjoy a comfortable tomorrow.

Book Cover

I could tell Williams has a personable approach that makes financial concepts easy to understand, and Williams shares his proven system for building wealth, The Wedge™ to hundreds through his seminars.

Which I wish David and I could attend and if it was possible I would even take Charlie so when he is grown and out on his own he would know how to take care of himself and his finances.

Just like William and his parents every time we save a little bit of money something comes up and we end up using it. Leaving us with no, Savings for the Future or even a Emergency and things have got to change.

If they don’t as we get older not only will be not have enough money to live on but for Charlie to attend college. By using Wealth Building For Beginners we can change our lives and begin to save like we should have been doing all the time.

Not, only that as David and I work through the things we need to change our finances I plan on giving Charlie so much money so he can do the steps with us and he will know what to do when he grows up.

Check out his Video here:



Build More Wealth Now: Take Baby Steps to Overpower Procrastination

Springfield, VA, June 8, 2021 — Simply being able to pay your bills each month is not enough. Unexpected job loss. Medical emergency. Natural disaster. In an instant, an unforeseen event can put you on shaky financial footing if you’re not prepared. And retirement? Forget about it.

The good news is, it’s not too late, and it doesn’t matter where you start. It just matters that you follow a proven plan for building wealth and that you begin now, says author and financial planner Edward R. Williams.

“I grew up thinking that the number one priority with money is finding a way to get the bills paid,” he says. “There were never any conversations about saving and investing.

I fell into many of the same traps as an adult. It felt like every time I saved a little bit of money, something would happen that would require that money I had saved.”

Williams hit rock bottom when his diabetic father needed surgery and asked the younger Williams to help cover some of the expenses. But he wasn’t able to.

Feeling powerless and ashamed, Williams endeavored to create an actionable, practical system for building wealth. The result is what Williams calls The Wedge™, a framework for building wealth through insurance, investments, and retirement and estate planning.

His new book, Wealth Building for Beginners: Your Manual for Taking Control of Your Financial Future, Now! details the top three personal obstacles to overcome and how to do so; provides step-by-step instructions for building The Wedge™; and offers ways to sustain and optimize financial habits.

Williams shares his own financial ups and downs that he weathered before he found success, and uses a personable approach that makes financial concepts easy for readers to understand.

Ultimately, Wealth Building for Beginners is an instruction manual for ordinary people that encourages readers to take baby steps to overpower procrastination and use that momentum for building wealth.

Author Edward R. Williams is an experienced and knowledgeable advisor, and registered representative who works with investment products, stock, bonds, annuities, mutual funds, life insurance, estate planning and retirement strategies.

After working as an investment banker on Wall Street in New York and London, he launched his own financial services company, Williams Financial Group LLC. Over the past 23 years, he has helped numerous individuals and businesses plan for a successful financial future.

The Williams Financial Group is currently known for working with faith-based communities and instituting the cutting-edge “wedge” process to help congregation members achieve wealth.

As a planner, his focus is on helping clients make well-informed decisions regarding the best financial tools for achieving their individual goals. He believes in developing client relationships based on integrity, accountability and excellent service.

For more information, please visit, or follow him on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram at Edwrwilliams.

Wealth Building for Beginners: Your Manual for Taking Control of Your Financial Future, Now!

Available from Amazon.com, BN.com, Walmart.com and www.edwardrwilliams.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates