Walking Tips for Good Health of Senior Citizens 

The Mommies Reviews

Walking Tips for Good Health of Senior Citizens 

Every individual like walking. It is the best method of staying fit and healthy. For senior citizens, Walk exercise is a very effective way to keep mental and physical fitness, but they need special care while walking in order to stay safe. This article would help them understand that how can they do it safely without any problem or injury?

 Here are some of the tips for good health of senior citizens.

Walking Tips:

1. Do not walk fast or suddenly: 

Sudden changes can lead to falls and breaks due to which it is advised that people should always walk at a slow and steady pace. If they want to go faster, then they must be ready for more strenuous activity. They can always ask help of walking cane or walker for support, if walking fast is making them tired.

2. Avoid wearing slippery clothing: 

It is advised that senior citizens should not wear loose fitting clothes or shoes that are slippery in nature while walking because the risk of falling increases due to this. At such times, when there is a high possibility of slipping or losing balance, they should always wear shoes which have grip on different surfaces.

3. If in doubt, stop: 

If a senior citizen think that they are going to lose their balance while walking then it is better that they stop immediately and sit or lie down until the dizziness is gone. Also, they can use a fixed object for support while walking to keep them balanced and away from falling.

4. Drink water: 

If there is less or more heat then it is better that they drink as much as water as needed in order to stay hydrated. During summer season this is very important because the loss of water and salts in body leads to dehydration.

5. Avoid eating immediately before walking: 

After eating, stomach takes around two hours to digest the food and it is advised that senior citizens should never walk directly after consuming a heavy meal because it can lead to problems such as indigestion or discomfort while walking. They must always have a gap of at least an hour after eating to stay away from problems related to digestion.

6. Keep the heart healthy: 

High blood pressure and cholesterol levels can lead to problems while walking which is why it people should always keep their heart healthy by making sure that the above mentioned harmful substances are not present in their body, or if they are, then treatment is given to get rid of them.

7. Wear sunscreen: 

Whenever people go out, they should always wear sunscreen because the harmful UV rays can damage the skin and cause various problems like sunburns or even lethal melanoma disease if not taken care properly.


While walking, senior citizens should follow the above-mentioned tips for good health because it can help them in keeping their body healthy and fit. This is a very important activity which must be practiced from time to time in order to stay young at heart and mind.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates