The Mommies Reviews

Would you help me welcome our newest Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor VSPOT sent my family H2O2 Face Mask Spray and VSpot Covered Normal Skin. You will find VSPOT inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women.

VSPOT was founded by Cindy Barshop, the former Real Housewives of New York. You will find VSPOT in the renowned Women’s Health Spa located on Madison Ave in New York and Philadelphia. The launch included Covered, a new scented face mask spray for both adults and teens to help fight against COVID-19.

Based on findings from the Mayo Clinic and the EPA, we masterfully developed a unique blend of hydrogen peroxide and essential oils to Purify, Protect, and Prevent against COVID-19.

H2O2 Face Mask Spray

Prevent and Protect against Maskcne. Disinfect and sanitize your reusable, cloth face mask with out H2O2-based antiseptic spray. You should sanitize your mask every time you wear it—whether going to the grocery store or out at lunch. Your skin will thank you.

VSpot Covered Normal Skin

(Cov)ered Breakout Pads have been formulated to Purify, Protect and Prevent acne, black heads and breakouts from your face mask (aka maskcne). Best if used with H2O2 Face Mask Spray.

Feeling good isn’t taboo. Medical experts correcting issues that interfere with our quality of life and sexual satisfaction.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates