During the Holiday’s I had a plan to publish a Wine Lovers Guide but with everything happening it slipped my mind. Which is fine as I knew it wasn’t the LORDS will. Instead I would like to invite you to check out our Valentines Day Gift Guide 2021 HangOver SmartPatch™.

Which left me with the HangOver SmartPatch™ which would have made a wonderful post for New Years as everyone likes to celebrate and drink but then again I let that time slip by.
I could have kicked myself but its okay because its almost February and we all need to purchase Gifts for our significant others. Mom’s are still homeschooling there children.
Covid-19 is still running rampant and I know parents need to pamper themselves. So its time for a drink. For those of us that might over drink or would like a new and unique Gift to give for Valentines I would like to ask you to check out HangOver SmartPatch™.
Wine hangovers are the worst. SmartPatches are a healthy way to reduce or eliminate a hangover whether you have a glass of wine with dinner or all day wine tasting!
Our innovative dermal patch allows users to enjoy their beverage of choice and wake up the next morning feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on their days, no hangover symptoms in sight!
Just apply before drinking and allow the patch to aid in your recovery, before it even starts! Enjoy the easiest way to combat the effects of alcohol – no pills, powders, energy drinks or needles in sight.
Enjoy almost 1 month hangover-free when you purchase a pack of 6 patches online at smartpatches.com for just $20!

The SmartPatches transdermal formulation contains a unique blend of vitamins including B-3, B-12, A, C, B-20, folic acid, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes which naturally help your body process alcohol and reduce hangover symptoms*
Experience a clear advantage the morning after any level of alcohol consumption!
- Vegan
- Heart Healthy
- Gluten Free
- Not Tested on Animals
The healthy way to prevent hangovers using natural vitamins and minerals
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates