Good morning, and how are you today? It is Friday so I would like to let you know that on Friday’s at Bones Academy, we do a Free Day. If Charlie has done all he was asked to do during the week. We just play games or we do Arts and Crafts. Which Charlie loves doing as it breaks up the week and allows us to just have fun. I enjoy Free Day as well as I get to see Charlie use his imagination.
With Valentines next week I was looking online for something for Charlie and me to do together when I found this Free Do It Yourself Coupon Book from Homeschool Buyers Co-Op. Once I showed Charlie the Free Do It Yourself Coupon Book Charlie couldn’t wait for me to print it out so he could put it together for his dad. I wonder if I will get one as well?

Stop back by and let me know if you checked out FREE Do-it-Yourself Valentine Coupon Book and what you and your students thought of it. If you made other Valentines Day Crafts leave a link to them. As Charlie and I would like to see what everyone else is doing. Also if there is a website you like that has Valentines Day items for Homeschoolers on it Please leave the link for us to check out.
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and we have a special Freebie just for you! Make your own Do-it-Yourself Valentine Coupon Book for all the “Valentines” in your life. They are sure to love this personalized Valentine Coupon Book available through Monday, 2/15 at the Co-op!
I have a question for you how often do you hold classes for your children? Is it Monday through Friday? Or do you take a day off? Do you hold classes on the weekends? Holidays and Summer or do you take them off? How many hours do a day your children go to school? If you have a 2nd grader what all are you teaching them and how do you know what to teach them?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates