Valentine Math Activities

Good morning, How are you today? Can you believe Valentine’s is right around the corner? Charlie and I are busy getting ready for our party and will be making cookies this week.
But I didn’t want to leave out time for lessons. We will be checking out the Valentine Math Activities below. As well as taking time to play a game or two. Which still allows us to learn while having fun and creating new memories.

Valentine’s Day Word Problems – word problems about the cost of candy and Valentine’s gifts (about grades 3-5)

Printable Valentine Dominoes – Dominoes are great tools to help with learning math in grades K-6. Print out this set and then use them to play Domino Math. Click here to get instructions.

I hope you enjoyed these Valentine Resources and if you know of other resources featuring Valentines please leave me a link so Charlie and I can check them out. As we love checking out all the wonderful items you and your children make.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates