US Family Guide Presents Grand Box

It’s hard to buy gifts for grandma and grandpa. Because what do you buy for someone who has everything or limited space? Which is the case with both Davids parents and my dad.


So with my dad I do standard Gifts which is books which last a day and are thrown away. Or he already has read them numerous time as he only reads books by a certain author.

I would pick out a shirt for my dad but he has 3 closets full of shirts and doesn’t even wear them.  As he has his favorite shirts which he wears over and over again. So its time to shake things up for my dad at Christmas and get him something new and different.

I had Grand Box address the box to my dad and to ship it here as I wasn’t sure if my brother would bring our dad down for Christmas or not. But this way I could see what comes in the Grand Box and add to it if I needed to.

When Grand Box arrived yesterday I opened up the box. David liked what was inside the box as well as the note I was able to have added to the box.

I would like to give you a peek into our Holiday Grand Box, that we received:

Snowy Night Hand and Body Lotion as soon as I saw the box I was hooked on the Lotion. I asked David if I could keep the Lotion for myself. David said no, I had to give the Lotion to my dad. I put the lotion back inside the box. T

he box  was so classy and the design  so cute that I wouldn’t mind having the box out on the table at all times because its a Christmas design. The bottle is also cute and classy looking with a design of white Christmas items on the front including deer. This is a pump Lotion. If I was to keep it the kids couldn’t waste the lotion. Being a Pump would be easy for my dad to use.

Holiday Wet-It is a Exclusive reusable cloth that absorbs 16x its weight. I can’t wait for my dad to try the cloth out., although I wouldn’t mind keeping the cloth because I also want to use this. Knowing its reusable would save us money. The design is pretty and the cloth would make a beautiful holiday picture to hang on the walls.

Organic Hard Candy from Torie & Howard as soon as I saw these candies I wanted to open them up and try them. I was good and put theCandy back into the box for my dad.

I’m giving the Grand Box to my dad. I wanted him to try everything because the candy is Organic .

I knew this Candy would be healthier than other candy we purchase. This brand came in Pear & Cinnamon. I knew David would enjoy these flavors just as much as my dad would. Santa since I’m not sure my dad will share us. Can we please have our own Grand Box?

Ritter Chocolate Biscuit isn’t something anyone in our family has had the opportunity to try. I hope when my dad opens Grand Box he lets Charlie and I both have a small taste.

Although with the Biscuit being Chocolate my dad may not share it either. My dad wasn’t taught to share as a child. LOL Not really, he was taught to share. He just loves candy and more candy…

Holiday Tissues from Caspari I love the design on them and I’m sure both my dad and Charlie will as well. They’re the perfect size to put in our pockets and head out to some Christmas activities.

Then there were  Candy Canes. My dad is a Diabetic he should let Charlie and I have the Candy Canes. But I can tell you he will not let us have them. He will eat them because my dad loves Peppermint Candy a lot. I’m not even sure he would share with Charlie and I.

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Grand Box perfect Holiday Gift for your loved ones! Save on your first purchase! .@usfg




GrandBox is curated for those 65 or older.

Every month, the GrandBox team creates a new theme to build each box around. Every theme and product is meant to bring joy to your loved one. From Route 66 to Back-to-School to A Day at the Spa, we make sure that each box will be a delightful surprise.

Perfect for holidays and birthdays

It’s hard to buy gifts for grandma and grandpa. What do you buy for someone who has everything?

Our team has the experience and knowledge to know what they will love. Our Grand Boxes are guaranteed to put a smile on your grandparent’s face and to have them talking about their GrandBox for days.

For holidays, we make sure that your GrandBox arrives before the important date, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates