When your Homeschooling your children your allowed to chose things they are interested in. For Charlie he gets bored easy so to keep learning fun I decided we would do a lesson plan featuring candy.

Candy. Mike and Ike are oblong fruit-flavored chewy candies that come in several colors and varieties, including cherry, orange, lime, lemon, and strawberry. … Each candy has 7 calories, 0 grams of fat, and approximately 1 gram of sugar. The candy is kosher and gluten-free.
Discussion questions:
Mike and Ike
- Why is Mike and Ike Called Mike and Ike?
- When was Mike and Ike created?
- What were the first flavor additions?
Hot Tamales is a chewy, cinnamon flavored, oblong-shaped candy introduced in 1950. It is manufactured and marketed in the United States by Just Born, a family-owned, Pennsylvania-based candy company
Discussion Questions:
- When was Hot Tamales created?
- What is the main ingredient in Hot Tamales candies?
Fun Dip Candy

Fun Dip is a candy manufactured by The Willy Wonka Candy Company, a brand owned by Nestlé. … When called Lik-M-Aid, it consisted of 4 packets of flavored and colored sugar. When rebranded in the 1970s as Fun Dip, two edible candy sticks called “Lik-A-Stix” were added.
Discussion questions:
- Are you supposed to eat the fun dip stick?
- Does fun dip still exist?

SweetTarts are sweet and sour candies invented under the direction of Menlo F. Smith, CEO of Sunkine Inc. in 1962. This candy was created using the same basic recipe as PixStix in order to broaden the market for the tangy taste sensation.
- When were SweetTarts created?
- 2. What are the flavors of SweetTarts?
Gobstoppers or jawbreakers are a type of hard candy. They are usually round, and usually range from 1 to 3 cm (0.4 to 1.2 in) across; though gobstoppers can be up to 8 cm (3.1 in) in diameter. The term gobstopper derives from “gob”, which is slang in the United Kingdom and Ireland for mouth.
- Why are they called Gobstoppers?
- What are the flavors of gobstoppers?
- How long do everlasting gobstoppers last?
- Do Gobstoppers change color?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates