Unique Holidays: September 7th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Unique Holidays: September 7th, 2022 is celebrating National Salami Day. Did you know if you want to make David happy all you need to do is give him a loaf of Bread and Salami for a sandwich. Would you like to join him because I will be sitting this meal out as I don’t care for Salami and neither does Charlie.

National Salami Day– always observed on September 7th.

September 7th is National Salami Day Holiday. Salami is a very good and tasty making today a good day, indeed! We don’t need an excuse to bite into Salami. But, seeing that it is being honored today, let’s make sure to have Salami for lunch, dinner, and snacks.

 Salami is a fermented Sausage that is made by curing meat. Like any Sausage that is pressed into an Animal casing before curing. Most often Pork is the Meat of choice. Did you know you can make Salami with Beef?

Use versatile Salami in many ways. Eat Salami by itself as a snack. Cut Salami into small cubes along with Cheese. Or, just cut off a big chunk and nibble on it. Salami goes much better with a glass of Wine. Salami is very popular in Sandwiches or Subs. Many of us, add Salami to Salads to add a little zing. Try mixing Salami into Scrambled Eggs.

Salami is an Italian word and it is the plural form of the word “Salame”.

Like any other food holiday, the best way to enjoy this holiday is to eat the food being celebrated Salami.

You can enjoy Salami for lunch, dinner, and as a snack. If you eat it for breakfast, that’s even better.

History and Origin of National Salami Day

We found no factual information about this holiday and we do not know who started this holiday, and we don’t know why.

Our research suggests National Salami Day was created in 2011. 

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Neither Rain nor Snow Day– always observed on September 7th

We bet you’re thinking “this holiday is about a tranquil Weather day with neither rain nor snow”. Wrong. Here’s the real scoop on = Neither Rain Nor Snow Day which celebrates the opening of the first post office, the New York Post Office building on this day in 1914.

The following inscription was inscribed on the building:

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

Here is the second misconception: A lot of people assume the inscription represents the Post Office motto. This assumption is incorrect. But, this inscription is very close to the old Pony Express rider’s motto. This leads to a third misconception. The Pony Express was not a government-funded predecessor to today’s Post Office. The Pony Express was a courier and message delivery service. However, The Pony Express was privately owned and funded.

Now that we have the history and trivia out of the way, let’s go and enjoy the holiday. We hope you use  Neither Rain Nor Snow Day to show your appreciation to your postal delivery people, especially those who walk their routes.

How to Celebrate Neither Rain nor Snow Day

Go to the post office to mail a package. Chances are, you haven’t been inside a post office in quite some time. Once you’re there, explore their services. You just might be surprised at what they offer.

Read up on the history of the Post Office.

History and Origin of Neither Rain Nor Snow Day

We know a lot about the beginning of the post office and the postal service in general. However, we found no factual information about this holiday and we do not know who started this day, and we don’t know why. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates