Unique Holidays: September 7th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 7th, 2021 with you. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why.

 International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day celebrates and promotes Literacy all over the world.

The day was created by the United Nations and is promoted by the UN’s UNESCO. According to their website: “The aim is to highlight the importance of Literacy to individuals, communities and Societies.”

Literacy is a global issue, and hence the UN takes an active role in promoting it. They do recognize and celebrate that billions of people are Literate. But, they go further to promote Literacy, and to seek improved Literacy rates in every Country of the world.  

 If you are reading this, then you can and should celebrate  International Literacy Day.

History and Origin of International Literacy Day:

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), established International Literacy Day as an annual event,. The first celebration was on September 8, 1965.

National Ampersand Day

Try hard to contain your excitement, as today is National Ampersand Day.

Every once in a while, a Holiday comes along and you say… What!? National Ampersand Day certainly cause one to stop and ask why.

Regardless of why, National Ampersand Day is here for your enjoyment, so we hope you take full advantage and use the Ampersand character as often as you can, and in creative ways.

Did you know the Ampersand was once the last character in the Alphabet.

National Date Nut Bread Day – or December 22!?

National Date Nut Bread Day is today and its a tasty Bread for the Holidays. National Day Nut Bread is the perfect Bread for the Season. National Date Nut Bread contains Nuts and Sugar, but is not heavy on the Sugar.

Date Nut Bread is quite popular. You can make it yourself, or buy Date Nut Bread at the bakery. We suggest a couple of loafs because in most peoples homes a single loaf does not last long.

There is some question as to the correct date for this Holiday but a survey of the net, resulted in roughly half of the references for this Holiday claiming it is on September 8th but in our survey, a very slight majority record this special day on December 8th.

We’ll go with the majority for two reasons: First, it is the majority. Second, this Holiday fits well in the Holiday Season because Date Nut Bread is popular for the Holidays.

Get your fill of Date Nut Bread today because that’s what this Holiday is for.

History and Origin of National Date Nut Bread Day:

We did not find any factual information on this National Food Holiday. Nor, did we find the creator but I hope the creator steps forward, so we can resolve the question as to the proper date of this Holiday.

There was some reference to this as a “National Day” and most food related Holidays are called “National”. However, we found no Congressional records or Presidential Proclamation making this a “true” National Holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates