Unique Holidays: September 3rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: September 3rd, 2022. Today is International Bacon Day a holiday both myself and my nephew David M. and his daughter Lily can’t wait to celebrate today. Would you like to join us for some Bacon?

International Bacon Day – Saturday before Labor Day

Bacon Day: December 30

International Bacon Day : the Saturday before Labor Day

Bacon Day and International Bacon Day celebrates Bacon! A day to thoroughly enjoy Bacon at every meal. Snack time, too. It is recommend that you enjoy Bacon even in Social gatherings. Go ahead, and host a Bacon party!!

Suggested Bacon Menu for this Day:

  • Start the day with Bacon and Eggs.
  • For lunch, I would suggest having a BLT or Turkey Club with Bacon Sandwich. Don’t forget a cup of Potato and Bacon Soup.
  • Dinner can be a wide range of entrees, including a Bacon Cheeseburger or a Bacon wrapped Steak. Salad should be topped with Bacon as well as Baked Potatos.
  • For snack, it’s Cheesey Bacon

It appears that Bacon Day in December and International Bacon Day were created separately.

History and Origin of International Bacon Day:

There has been found conflicting reports about who created International Bacon Day. Residents in Bradford, Ma. claim to have created this holiday in 2000. A group of Boulder, Colorado graduate students also claim to have created this holiday, in 2004.

We have yet to find any information on who created Bacon Day in December which appears to have roots in the United Kingdom before 2000.

National Tailgating Day – first Saturday of September

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is observed on the first Saturday in September

Football is back and the leaves on the trees have begun to turn colors. Fall Weather has turned cool, and nothing short of luscious. Are you going to the big game? Then, it’s time for a tailgate party. Grab your football, pack up the grill and cooler, and head to the game. While today is National Tailgating Day, there are games every week all Fall long. Technically we can celebrate this holiday before every game! 

The very first football game was held on November 6th, 1869. The term “Tailgate party” had not yet been coined. But, fans arrived early to savor the moment, and to enjoy food, beverages, and camaraderie before the game between Rutgers University and Princeton University.

How to Celebrate National Tailgating Day

Football fans, you know what to do to celebrate this holiday. Let the tailgate party begin. Load up the truck, , or car. Head on out several hours early, to enjoy a meal, a Beer and lots of fun in the parking lot, before settling into your seats at the stadium, to watch your favorite team.

  • Before you enter the stadium for the game, arrive in the parking lot a few hours early. 
  • Then, set out the table and the grill to make a big meal. The selection of the meal is your choice.
  • While the food is grilling, toss a football around in the parking lot.
  • As you sit around eating the meal, trash talk the other team and talk about how your team is going to destroy them.

What to Eat and Drink –  Many will opt for traditional Hamburgers, or Hot Dogs, with side dishes. Did you know Chili is extremely popular and is made hotter and hotter, as the Fall days cool down. Do not feel limited in your tailgate party menu selection. Some people will set up a table and chairs, to enjoy a Steak or Ribs cooked right there in the parking lot. If local laws and stadium rules allow, Alcohol may be consumed. Beer is by far the most popular choice.   

History and Origin of National Tailgating Day

National Tailgating Day evolved from college football games, which are traditionally held on Saturdays. Hence, we celebrate this holiday on in early September Saturday, when it is perfect football weather.

This event was created by Luke Lorick the President of “Tailgating Challenge” in 2016.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. As football is a truly American sport and is wildly popular, we sure hope our president or congress formally declares this a national holiday soon.

Skyscraper Day– always held on September 3rd

Skyscraper Day is a day to appreciate and admire the world’s tallest Skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers are truly engineering and architectural marvels. In many crowded Cities, space is in short supply, and real estate prices are ever increasing. Building “up” becomes more and more logical. As technical capabilities in construction improved, Skyscraper buildings have become taller and taller. In addition, there is a certain prestige to have one of the tallest buildings in the World in your City and Country.

The  10 story Home Insurance Company building in Chicago, IL was the first Skyscraper. Construction began on May 1st, 1884 and was completed in 1885. It was also the first building to use a steel frame. The building was demolished in 1931.

There is some disagreement over how to measure the height of Skyscrapers. At issue, is whether to measure the height of Flagpoles and antenna atop most tall buildings. 

History and Origin of Skyscraper Day:

We found no factual information about this holiday but we do find Skyscrapers to be fascinating.

World Beard Day – first Saturday of September

Today is World Beard Day, a day of celebration around the World. A day to celebrate your beard and to celebrate those whose face is covered with hair. One of the goals of this international holiday, is to promote and elevate the status of beards throughout the world. If you have a beard, there is to be no work for you today. Simply relax, enjoy, and proudly show off your beard. It is a day for those who wear beards to be pampered by beardless folk. On this holiday, those around you are supposed to wait on you hand and beard. 

Back in the day, as in the day of the Caveman, all the guys wore beards. There were no shaving kits or shaving cream. Back then, the modern Caveman always wore a full, stylish beard. The idea of shaving didn’t catch on until much, much later. By about 4,000 B.C., we know people began shaving their beards. A rudimentary form of shaving cream was developed at the time by Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Nowadays, a significant and important minority of men wear beards. The exception to this is the Arab world, where beards are customary.

Sporting a beard is a way to express yourself and your individuality and there is a huge variety of beard styles. The full beard often comes to mind first. Let’s not forget Goatees or the Fu Manchu beard. One of the most popular styles , is a short beard of just 2-3 days growth, or a week at most.

How to Celebrate World Beard Day:

  • Organize, and/or participate in a World Beard Day event
  • Show off your beard.
  • Read a book , or watch a movie of famous bearded people.
  • If you do not have a beard, stop shaving today, and start a beard.

If you have a beard, it is taboo to shave today. Doing so, is considered disrespectful. On the other hand, if you currently do not have a beard, why not begin growing a beard. Rip Van Winkle would be pleased.

Famous People with Beards:

The list of famous people who wore beards is seemingly endless. Here are just a few:

  • Jesus Christ
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Santa Claus 

  • There were only five U.S. presidents who wore beards. The last president to have a beard was the 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893). The other four Presidents were Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, and James Garfield. The last presidential candidate to sport a beard, was Republican Charles Evans Hughes in 1916. He lost. My times have changed. 
  • History and Origin of World Beard Day:

    It is speculated that the roots of World Beard Day dates back to around 800 A.D. Danish Vikings had a special day to glorify beards and those who wore them, which was most men at that time.

    We do not know who created and promoted the modern World Beard Day.

    Thank you,

    Glenda, Charlie and David Cates