Unique Holidays: September 3rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 3rd, 2022. Today is Classical Music Month. I remember as a child riding in the car with my dad driving and all he would play on the Radio was Classical Music. Which I do like but after a while it does get old. Do you like classical music?

Classical Music Month

September is Classical Music Month, were in awe of how much music has evolved over time! Did you know Classical music ranges across several periods, each with their unique style of musical composition. With the focus more on Orchestral Melody, Classical Music is definitely different from today’s music. Without its influence, modern music as we know it wouldn’t have existed.


Celebration of Classical Music Month started in 1994 by President Bill Clinton, who declared every September as Classical Music Month. His proclamation stated, “Classical music is a celebration of artistic excellence… In September we celebrate the many talented composers, conductors, and musicians who bring classical music to our ears. Music is a force in our world, bringing people together across vast cultural and geographical divisions.”

Music is a powerful medium, expressing emotion and touching hearts unlike anything else. Famous musicians like Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn are some of the legendary composers who gifted us classical music. Classical Music uses multiple instruments for playing a single melody, giving a powerful sound that has transcended over time.

It is important to celebrate Classical Music Month to preserve the legacies of great musicians and introduce this genre to new audiences. Whether it is Rock, Jazz, or Country Music, the inspiration and roots will always be connected to classical music somehow.


  1. We are all familiar with how classical music sounds, but hardly ever delve into the good stuff. Explore the classical genre and see which sounds resonate with you.
  2. f you haven’t experienced a live classical orchestra, you’re missing out. There are countless performances available on YouTube.
  3. Do you know the difference between a Violin and a Cello? A Tuba or a Trumpet? They are a lot of fun to learn. Take classes or just read about the instruments and their rich history.


  1. The Medieval period (1150–1400) Music from this time was limited and mostly limited to composing hymns for the Church. The music from this period is identified as Gregorian Chants and Organum.
  2. The Renaissance period (1400–1600) exposed audiences to polyphonic music: choral style particularly.
  3. The Baroque period (1600–1750) became advanced, and this period saw the creation of the Concerto, Cantata, Oratorio, and Sonata.
  4. The Classical period (1750–1820) for the first time, the Instrumental Concerto, the Symphony, and the Sonata form were broadly performed for wide audiences.
  5. The Romantic period (1820–1910) is a style that branched out to by Beethoven himself, drama and emotion were added to the platonic beauty of classical music.


  1. We owe a lot of Society and culture shaping to classical music, without which modern music wouldn’t exist. A broad and fascinating history of music deserves more than just a day for celebrating!
  2. Classical music is very much alive and revered in many circles, but it is important for coming generations to understand the beauty of it as well, for its preservation and continuation.
  3. An entire month dedicated to classical music means more youngsters will be exposed to the genre, inspiring them to pursue instruments and become the next musical prodigy!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates