Unique Holidays: September 27th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our feature sharing Unique Holidays: September 27th, 2022. Today is Crush a Can Day. I don’t know about you but David and Charlie drink a lot of Soda’s in our home. We should be saving the cans as its a way to make extra money. But we always through the cans away.

If your looking for a way to make extra money I can save the cans for you to sale. Heck we can collect cans together and share the money. If your willing to work with me then lets start on October 1st and see how much money we make which can go toward Holiday shopping.

Crush a Can Day– always observed on September 27th

The big day has finally arrived. Crush a Can Day is today. How flat can you squish it? After you are done kicking the can around, you get the fun of crushing the can. Did you know you can use crush a can day as a stress reliever to take out all of the frustrations of your day. See how flat you can get the cans. Crushing cans will make you feel good. Go ahead, give the can a big squeeze. Don’t you feel better?

You can crush a can any way you want. There are no rules. Just make sure to do so safely.

How to Celebrate Crush a Can Day

Today is the day to grab a bunch of cans then crush the cans. Crush the cans bare-handed, if you’re strong enough. Or, use a sledgehammer. Or you can put the can under your car ties and run over the cans over. Any way you crush the can is okay.

Recycle the cans when you are done.

History and Origin of Crush a Can Day

We traced the roots of Crush a Can Day back to 2017 but we found no factual information about this holiday. Nor, did we find the creator or any reference to them.

There was some reference to Crush a Can Da as a “National Holiday” but we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates