Unique Holidays: September 25th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, can you believe it’s Friday and before we begin celebrating the weekend I wanted to bring you our series celebrating Unique Holidays: September 25th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to participate in and why.

Charlie and I would like to get a Rabbit and celebrate International Rabbit Day but David says no, because of the Dogs we have. If you ask me this stinks I should be able to get a Rabbit. As for David he wants to celebrate Comic Book Book and also National Hunting and Fishing Day with Charlie.

International Rabbit Day – Fourth Saturday in September

Image result for International Rabbit Day - Fourth Saturday in September

International Rabbit Day seeks to protect Rabbits as pets and in the wild. Animal rights groups and humane societies are active promoters of this Holiday. Their objectives are to promote healthy, caring environments for Rabbits that are raised as pets, and those living in the wild. They also seek to stop the use of Rabbit furs and the use of Rabbit on restaurant menus.

World-wide, Rabbits are the third most popular pet, behind Dogs and Cats.

 Looking at dozens of websites, there is no consensus on the proper date for this Holiday and most sites state a date in the last several days of the month (depending upon the year), almost always on a Saturday or a Sunday.  All roads on the net point to the “Rabbit Charity” in the UK, as creators of this day. But, their website is no longer up and running. It appears that the majority of sites refer to this Holiday on the fourth Saturday of the month. Until we find the creators, we suggest you use the Fourth Saturday of September to celebrate International Rabbit Day.

If your lucky enough to have a Rabbit as a pet then you should celebrate this Holiday with your pet Rabbit. Look up Rabbits and learn a little more about how to properly care for your pets needs. If you don’t have a pet, maybe today is the day to get a pet Rabbit!

History and Origin of International Rabbit Day:

This Holiday appears to have originated in the UK and its popularity quickly multiplied (like Rabbits!), spreading first to Australia, and then to the rest of the World.

National Comic Book Day

Image result for National Comic Book Day

National Comic Book Day is a super cool Holiday. Share a Comic Book with a friend today because we don’t know of anyone who doesn’t like a good Comic Book.

Comic books are great reading and they either tell an ongoing story, provide humor, or offer intrigue and suspense. In all Comic Books, good eventually prevails over Evil. Which means Comic Books always make us feel good.

 Comic Books have great value as a collectors item. Don’t ever throw away old Comic Books. Down the road, those books you are collecting today, may be worth its weight in gold!

Here are some of the ways that we have read, or heard, on how to enjoy National Comic Book Day:

History and Origin of National Comic Book Day:

We found no factual information about this Holiday but, we believe this is one of the more enjoyable of Holidays.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

National Hunting and Fishing Day – Fourth Saturday in September

Image result for National Hunting and Fishing Day - Fourth Saturday in September

National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHFD) was first created to recognize and thank Hunters and Fishermen for their support towards Wildlife and Aquatic Conservation. Hunters and Fishermen were the first to recognize the need to conserve and manage Wildlife and Fishing populations, and maintain a healthy environment for them.

When we think of Fish and Wildlife management, licenses and limits often come to mind. Education is also an important part of celebrating this Holiday. Preserving Wildlife areas and the health of Lakes and Streams, is also essential to healthy and sustainable populations. Shrinking Wildlife areas, poisoning the environment with chemicals, and polluting our waters, are an ever constant threat.

Today, State and local governments along with public and private organizations and groups use this Holiday by holding programs to promote conservation, and Fish and Wildlife management. They also use it as a day to encourage people to partake in Hunting and Fishing, and especially encourage youth to participate in these sports.

History and Origin of National Hunting and Fishing Day:

Hunters and Fishermen were early supporters of conservation and wildlife management. It goes back to over one hundred years, and was led by President Theodore Roosevelt, an avid sportsman. They urged sustainable Fish and game management. During this time, the first hunting and fishing licenses were required.

Ira Joffe of Upper Darby, PA was the first to suggest and promote a day of thanks to sportsmen for their conservation efforts. In 1970, thanks in part to his efforts, 1970 Pennsylvania declared the first “Outdoor Sportsman Day”.

Then, in June, 1971, U.S. Senator Thomas McIntyre of New Hampshire, introduced Joint Resolution 117 authorizing every 4th Saturday in September to be National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHFD) .

In May, 1972, President Richard Nixon issued a proclamation for NHFD. He said “I urge all citizens to join with outdoor sportsman in the wise use of our natural resources, and in insuring their proper management for the benefit of future generations.”

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates