Unique Holidays: September 22, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 22, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. How would you celebrate today?

I don’t want to celebrate Autumn Equinox because I am not ready for Summer to end even though I do like Winter at times. How about you? Charlie says he would like to celebrate Elephant Apperception Day and to adopt a Elephant from our Zoo.

Autumn Equinox – Fall begins! – date varies

September, 22, 2021; September, 22, 2022; September, 23, 2023; September, 22, 2024; September, 22, 2025; September 22, 2026

The Autumn Equinox signals the beginning of Fall and this is the point where there is exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness at the Equator. If you live anywhere else, however, you will see a little bit more or a little bit less than 12 hours of daylight. The daylight hours are dwindling and will continue to do so until we reach Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the start of Winter.

In ancient times, the Autumn Equinox was cause for a variety of Pagan Festivals, among them the celebration of the birth of Mabon, the son of Mordon, who is the Goddess of the Earth.

This is also a time to celebrate with a variety of Fall and Harvest Festivals. People enjoy Fall Festivals as they sense the closure of Summer Season and Winter arriving. Fall Festivals are the last of the outdoor events until Spring. Just getting there is half the fun as you drive through hills and forests ablaze in fall color.

Speaking of Fall festivals, Pumpkin Festivals and weigh offs are among the best and biggest.

You will find it interesting that in the Pagan sites you surf through, they talk about altars and sacrifices to the Gods but in the literal definition, Pagans do not believe in God. Hmmmm……..

Business Women’s Day

Business Women’s Day recognizes the value and contribution of women in the business world.

The roots of this Holiday go back to the late 1940s. While men were off fighting World War II, women filled the void in the workforce. Returning soldiers found women eager to have their men return. But, many women were not anxious to return to there traditional roles in the home. Since this time, women’s role and contributions in the workforce have grown and evolved.

In 1983 a joint Congressional resolution was passed, and signed by President Ronald Reagan proclaiming September 22 as Business Women’s Day and President Ronald Reagan also issued Proclamation 5532  on American Business Women’s Day, in 1986.

History and Origin of Business Women’s Day

Hilary A. Bufton Jr. and three Kansas City business women founded the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) on September 22, 1949. The first Business Women’s Day was celebrated in 1986.

Elephant Appreciation Day

Elephant Appreciation Day is today and we would like to ask you to show us how much you care about Elephants and its a Elephant sized day and we feel it should be celebrated in a big way.

Little kids and big kids are fascinated by Elephants. In a Zoo, in the Circus, or a Wildlife Special on Television and the History Channel. Elephants captivate us by their sheer size and today is your chance to let Elephants see that you appreciate Elephants and showing your appreciation for Elephants starts with a visit to your local Zoo. Elephants will be happy to see you and making a donation towards their support, is a great way to show your appreciation.  

Here’s a neat suggestion. …..Show elephants at your local Zoo how much you love them, by serving Elephants a special treat. Did you know Elephants like Pumpkins!

Hobbit Day

Hobbit Day is today which is the birthday of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, two of the main Hobbit characters from  The Lord of the Rings. Did you know there is also a Hobbit Week? Which occurs on the Sunday through Saturday where Hobbit Day falls.

Hobbits are little guys, and little gals, just two to four feet tall and they are our heroes in the Lord of the Ring movies, performing acts of heroism and courage. Notably, Hobbits go around barefoot, and eat seven meals a day. Hobbits also like to dance, have parties, and enjoy fireworks. The movie “The Fellowship of the Ring” opened in this manner, celebrating Bilbo Baggins birthday.

You can celebrate this Holiday, by going to a Lord of the Rings movie, or reading any of author J.R.R. Tolkien’s books that include Hobbits. Or you could host a Hobbit party…. and if you do don’t forget the fireworks. You can walk around barefoot all day which sounds like fun and reminds me of being a child playing outside. One way I will not be celebrating today is by having seven meals. How about you?

Origin of Hobbit Day:

The American Tolkien Society created this Holiday and they proclaimed Hobbit Day and Tolkien Week in 1978. You can be certain, that they had a big, big party, with lots of food, dancing and fireworks.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates