Unique Holidays: September 21st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

International Peace Day– always observed on September 21st

International Peace Day, a September 21 holiday, seeks a global cessation of violence and war. Each year on this day, celebrations are held in hundreds of countries, all with the same goal in mind….to stop war and violence. Created and sponsored by the United Nations, this day seeks to end the war, starting today.

The United Nations goal for this day is “a day of non-violence and cease-fire”. Wouldn’t it be nice if this one day succeeded and spread, country by country, day by day until there is no more war or violence? Can this goal ever succeed?  Former Beatle John Lennon had the right vision in his song “Imagine“.

History and Origin of International Peace Day

International Peace Day was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 (resolution 36/67). It was first held on the third Tuesday of September, starting in 1982. Beginning in 2002, the UN General Assembly changed the date, setting September 21st as the date for the yearly celebration of this day.

Also, see World Peace Day

How to Celebrate International Peace Day

  • Seek ways to promote non-violence.
  •  Support programs and efforts aimed at ending war and violence.
  • Extend the olive branch today.
  • On a personal level, try to make peace with those you don’t get along with. 
  • Read Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”

Miniature Golf Day– always observed on September 21st

Miniature Golf Day is today, September 21. It’s a fun sport that anyone can play. You don’t have to invest in expensive clubs. And, the only skill you need to develop, is your putting skills. So, hit your local miniature golf course for some fun.

Miniature golf is wildly popular among adults and children. It’s a great date for couples, young and old.  It’s a great place to hold a birthday party for kids. You don’t have to be good at miniature golf. With twists, turns, and a variety of obstacles, your score is partially the result of luck. And, that’s half of the fun of it. If you’re not too experienced, we suggest you don’t keep score. 

Did You Know? Over 130 million people in the U.S. play miniature golf at one of over 5,000 courses. Unsurprisingly, it is a $ 1 billion business.

We certainly hope that your day is up to par!  

How to Celebrate Miniature Golf Day

This is a day to go out and just have some fun.

  • Test your skill. Look for a miniature golf tournament and enter. 
  • Take someone with you today to play a round or two of miniature golf. Make it a foursome.

History and Origin of Miniature Golf Day

We found no factual information about this special day. Despite our research, the creator of this day remains unknown. 

Every once in a while, we are befuddled by the absence of information about a holiday or special day. Certainly, this is one of those times. Miniature golf is popular in the summer when kids are out of school, and in the evening when the weather is warm. We are mildly surprised that someone would choose a late September date, to celebrate this day.

World Gratitude Day– always observed on September 21st

World Gratitude Day, a September 21 holiday, is your opportunity to show your gratitude and appreciation. The United Nations Meditation Group created World Gratitude Day to express appreciation for the great things that individuals and groups do. This recognition is on a global basis. According to their website: “World Gratitude Day presents an award to someone who we feel has done something outstanding in the spirit of Globalism.”

The United Nations Meditation Group also suggests that you find something to be grateful for, and remember the feeling.

On a smaller scale, seek to give gratitude and appreciation to people in your life who have done good deeds. It could be something as simple as a “thank you” or a card of thanks to someone. Or, you could offer some type of certificate or plaque of appreciation from a group you belong to, for contributions from individuals inside or outside of your group.

Happy World Gratitude Day!

How to Celebrate World Gratitude Day

Support the UN Mediation Group’s efforts.

Show your gratitude and appreciation toward induvial and groups that do good things for globalism.

History and Origin of World Gratitude Day

The roots of World Gratitude Day was started in 1965 at the International East-West Center in Hawaii during a Thanksgiving Dinner. At the dinner, attendees pledged to hold a Gratitude Gathering the following September 21st in their home countries. This grew to be an annual event.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates