Unique Holidays: September 19th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 19th, 2022. Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day which Charlie can’t wait to celebrate and I can’t wait to hear him. While I am sitting in the corner celebrating Butterscotch Pudding by having a bowl or two. Would you like to join me for dessert? Or Charlie and speak like a Pirate today? Or you could do both.

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ahoy, Matey! Did you know that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? On this holiday, we only talk “Pirate Speak”, a language readily identified with these Ocean-faring robbers. Pirate language is easy to learn. In general, the words are common English words. However, the pronunciation is different. If you learn to roll your “R’s”, you are well along to using Pirate speak.

Use “ye” instead of you and your. Mumble and growl a little, too. Sprinkle in a few “me lads and me laddies”, and everyone will think you are a card-carrying pirate. This holiday is just for fun, a day to let out the Pirate in each of us. We like “just for fun” days and I bet you do, too.

Practice up your “Pirate-speak” in anticipation of this holiday. The conversation will be lively, and you don’t want to be left behind. Today, everyone will be talking the talk, if not walking the walk. I would like to remind you it isn’t a requirement to dress like a Pirate today. Just talk like a Pirate.

Pirate Speak Sayings

Common sayings to use today:

  • Ahoy Matey
  • Shiver me timbers
  • “Scallywags”
  • Walk the Plank
  • Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

How to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day:

Talk like a pirate all day long to everyone=

Dress like a pirate.

Wear an eye patch.

If your over 21 drink Rum.

Host a “Talk Like a Pirate Party”.

Bake a Rum cake.

History and Origin of How to Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day

John Baur and Mark Summers created the concept of International Talk Like a Pirate Day on June 6th, 1995. While playing racquetball, John Baur and Mark Summers began to talk to each other in Pirate-speak”. After leaving the court, they decided that there was a need to create Talk Like A Pirate Day.

After much thought, Mark Summers selected September 19th as the date which was his wife’s birthday. Apparently, Mark Summers thought it would be an easy date to remember. So this Talk Like A Pirate Day was born.

National Butterscotch Pudding Day– is always observed on September 19th

National Butterscotch Pudding Day gives us good reason to enjoy a tasty dessert. Butterscotch may not be as popular as Vanilla or Chocolate. But, Butterscotch Pudding is good. If you’ve never had Butterscotch Pudding, try it today and see for yourself. For those of us who like Butterscotch Pudding, just the thought of Butterscotch Pudding has already got our mouths watering. Now let’s dispel a rumor. Many people think you only consume Pudding when you don’t feel well. Wrong! Pudding is enjoyable any time of the year and regardless of our health.

Like all food-related holidays, it’s easy to participate in this case, just eat some Butterscotch Pudding.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates