Unique Holidays: September 16th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: September 16th, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I will be celebrating National Dance Day. Would you like to dance with us?

Unique Holidays at The Mommies Review

Citizenship Day– always observed on September 17th

Constitution and Citizenship Day

Citizenship Day celebrates being a Citizen of the United States of America. The greatest Country the world has ever seen. Our great Country (and its people ….you!) which is something every American should be proud of. America is filled with outstanding citizens, many of whom have played a direct or indirect role in making this Country and what it stands for, a beacon of hope, promise, and success!

This holiday is for all citizens, both native-born, and those who chose to become Americans. Citizenship Day is a day to be proud to be an American. Citizenship Day is a day to appreciate being a citizen of this Country and the rights and freedoms it brings. We suggest American citizens never take for granted the rights, freedoms, and privileges afforded us, as citizens of the United States of America. 

We suggest today, and every day, you express your citizenship in some way which is the sum of all of the actions and deeds by famous and “ordinary” citizens, that makes this Country so great.

History and Origin of Citizenship Day

On February 29th, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill establishing U.S. Citizenship Day on September 17th of each year. The roots of this public holiday go back to I Am an American Day, which was established in 1940 by Congress as the third Sunday in May. This holiday was moved and renamed Citizenship Day to coincide with the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17th, 1787.

Constitution Day– always observed on September 17th

Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day. The Continental Congress of the United States of America was tasked by representatives of the 13 Colonies with coming up with a constitution for our fledgling, newly formed Country. The Congress held its final meeting on September 17th, 1787. To sign the Constitution of the United States of America, a document for which they so painstakingly labored to create and perfect.

In the first early years of the republic, it was recognized that more laws and a series of declared rights were needed in addition to the original Constitution. Subsequently, the Bill of Rights and the first ten Amendments were adopted on December 15th, 1791.

After the meeting, there was still much to do. Individual States then had to meet and vote on it. The U.S. Constitution did not go into effect until two years later on March 4th, 1789.

How to Celebrate Constitution Day

  • Fly the Flag.
  • Read the U.S. Constitution.

Citizens Day– observed on September 17th.

Citizenship Day celebrates being a citizen of the United States of America, the greatest country the world has ever seen. Our great country (and its people ….you!) is something every American should be proud of. America is filled with outstanding citizens, many of whom have played a direct or indirect role in making this Country and what it stands for, a beacon of hope, promise, and success!

This special day is for all citizens, both native-born, and those who chose to become Americans. It is a day to be proud to be an American. It is a day to appreciate being a citizen of this country and the rights and freedoms it brings. We suggest American citizens never take for granted the rights, freedoms, and privileges afforded us, as citizens of the United States of America. 

We suggest today, and every day, you express your Citizenship in some way and its the sum of all of the actions and deeds by famous and “ordinary” citizens, that makes this Country so great.

Related Unique Holidays

Bill of Rights Day

Constitution Day

Bill of Rights Day

History and Origin of Citizenship Day

On February 29th, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a bill establishing U.S. Citizenship Day on September 17th of each year. The roots of this public holiday go back to I Am an American Day, which was established in 1940 by Congress as the third Sunday in May. This holiday was moved and renamed Citizenship Day to coincide with the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17th, 1787.

International Red Panda Bear Day – Third Saturday in September

World Red Panda Day

The Giant Panda, that cute and adorable black and white Bear gets its share of attention. We are happy that its Cousin, the Red Panda also receives its very own holiday of recognition and appreciation, as today is International Red Panda Day.

Also known as the “Firefox” and “Lesser Panda”, these Pandas are native to China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Tibet. Their diet is primarily Bamboo, but the Red Panda also eats Fruits, grasses, Eggs, Mushrooms, Nuts, Insects, and Grubs. Red Pandas are commonly referred to as “Cousins” to the Giant Panda Bear. Genetically, Red Pandas are not related at all. As a matter of fact,Red Pandas are in a class all by themselves. Red Pandas are the only members of the “Ailuridae” family. Like the Giant Panda Bear, the Red Panda is on the endangered species list. Poaching for the Red Panda hide and loss of habitat are the major threats to their continued existence.

The Red Panda Network is the major international promoter of these Panda Bears and this holiday. Their goals are to expose illegal poaching and to identify the supply chain to the black market for their hides. They also seek to educate the public about this illegal trade and the threats to their habitat.

The Red Panda Network also offers the title “Red Panda Ranger” to kids who spread the word about red Pandas and their plight.

How to Celebrate International Red Panda Day

In addition to helping save the Red Panda, we encourage you to visit one of over 60 Zoos worldwide that have Red Pandas. Check first, to see if they have a Red Panda in your local Zoo.

History and Origin of International Red Panda Day

The Red Panda Network is a big promoter of the Bear and this holiday that we celebrate today. While their website does not come right out and State it, we believe they are the originators of this event.

This holiday was created in 2010. Our research suggests the holiday originated in France.

National Apple Dumpling Day– always observed on September 17th.

National Apple Dumpling Day

National Apple Dumpling Day is today. Be a member of the Apple Dumpling Gang. Were celebrating a tasty Fall treat. Apple Dumplings are easy to make (and, even easier to buy!). Apple lovers can’t resist Apple Dumplings, filled with Apples.

With the arrival of Fall and cool weather, two things happen: Apple harvest begins, and people turn indoors to cooking and baking again. It’s only natural that Apples are a big part of the cooking scene. Among the most popular Fall treats, is Apple Dumplings. For those of you who enjoy Ice Cream, recipes may include a scoop of Ice Cream atop a generous piece of Apple Dumpling.

The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” originated in the 1800s. It is believed the roots of this saying, recorded in 1866, came from the saying “Eat an Apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread”. 

See Apple Trivia.

National Dance Day – Third Saturday in September

National Dance Day

A Change of Dates: National Dance Day was moved from the last Saturday in July, to the third Saturday in September, at the request of the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA wanted to link this to their Kid’s Heart Challenge in September. 

About National Dance Day

Make no mistake today is not a day to be a couch potato. Get up off the couch and dance up a storm. Dance all day and dance the night away, because today is National Dance Day. The goal of this holiday event is to encourage Americans of all ages to get more valuable exercise, fight obesity, and as an artful expression. Dancing burns up calories strengthens your heart and tones your muscles. An active, fast dance helps keep you in shape, while you are having the time of your life.

National Dance Day celebrates all forms of dance. Get your heart pumping with “Break Dancing”. You can do the Twist, Disco Dancing, the Charleston, the Macarena, the Boogie, the Freddie, or the Swim! Want to be a little provocative? Do the Bump or learn how to Belly dance. If you’re into ballroom dancing, grab your partner and do the Waltz, Cha-cha-cha. Perhaps ethnic or tribal dances are your thing, like Irish dances, the Polka, Line Dancing, or clog dancing. You can also dosey-do with your partner in a good old-fashioned barn dance or try square dancing. Don’t forget the “Hokey Pokey” and the “Chicken Dance”.

One of the most memorable American dance experiences was the television show American Bandstand. American Bandstand was a musical performance and dance show which aired from 1952-1989. American Bandstand was hosted by the infamous Dick Clark.

Today’s Memorable Movies:

  • Dirty Dancing (1987) with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey.
  • Singin’ in the Rain (1952) with infamous dance Gene Kelly.

Related Holiday: International Dance Day

How to Celebrate National Dance Day

All you have to do to celebrate National Dance Day is to tune in to the music. Step up to dance, dance, dance. You can dance by yourself, or with others. Dance in your living room, at a club, or enter a dance marathon.

Nothing else matters, as long as you’re dancing. You’ll forget your problems, if only for a short while. You will feel both emotionally and physically better from dancing.

If you need motivation to get up and dance then you should watch “Dancing with the Stars” today.

History and Origin of National Dance Day

This holiday was created in 2010 by Nigel Lythgoe, the co-creator of “So You Think You Can Dance” and co-founder of the American Dance Movement. Creation of this holiday was in partnership with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, who introduced a resolution for this holiday in the United States Congress.

We found a few references to a National Dance Day in April but the references only date back to about 2018-2019.

This holiday event is a true “National” holiday, because there is a congressional resolution for National Dance Day.

Oktoberfest  begins in Germany – the date varies

Oktoberfest Beer Festival

Date When Celebrated: The Date Varies. Begins September 17, 2022

Oktoberfest is a two-and-a-half-week German Beer festival, which is held in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. While Oktoberfest is a giant world Festival in Germany. Oktoberfest celebrations are held around the world during this time. If you can’t get to the Festival in Germany, you can participate in a local event. Oktober celebrations include Beer, German foods, music, dancing, and German culture.

It’s time to eat, drink, and be merry! The mayor of Munich opens Oktoberfest each year by tapping a keg of Beer. They make a special brew, aptly called Oktoberfest Beer, for the festival.

Oktoberfest is not just a celebration of Beer. Oktoberfest is a huge Festival with lots of food, music, dancing, rides, and Carnival booths. Each year millions of people from all over the world come to the fair. Oktoberfest celebrations and festivals are held around the world during this time. These festivals also celebrate the rich heritage of the German people.

Future Oktoberfest Dates:

Starts September 16, 2023 – ends on October 3, 2023

Starts September 21, 2024 – ends on October 6, 2024

Opens on September 20, 2025 – ends on October 5, 2025

Begins September 19, 2026 – concludes October 4, 2026

How to Celebrate Oktoberfest

Attend an Oktoberfest celebration during this period. You don’t have to go every day. But, try to attend on more than one day because it is a lot of fun. German Clubs and many local Bars hold Oktoberfest celebrations and events, complete with music and dancing.

History and Origin of German Oktoberfest

The very first Oktoberfest was held on October 12th, 1810. Oktoberfest was held to commemorate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig (King Ludwig 1) to Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The Wedding took place on October 12th, and a great horse race (in celebration of the marriage) was held a few days later on October 17th. Their marriage was celebrated annually and was known as Oktoberfest.

Early Oktoberfest celebrations were held in October but the Festival was eventually moved to September, as the Weather was better earlier in the Fall.

Oktoberfest has been held annually since 1810. Throughout this time, Oktoberfest has been canceled a few times, due to Wars, and once due to a major Cholera outbreak (1854) in the region.

Over the years, Oktoberfest Festival grew. Carnival booths appeared. Beer became a central theme and flowed freely. Food was a big part of the festivities. Lter rides became a part of the festival activities. Millions of people annually flock to Oktoberfest in Munich.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

Find more at Unique Holidays at The Mommies Reviews