Good morning, welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: September 14th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. David said he would like to celebrate International Crab Fest Day with Crabs for dinner. Which Charlie and I both will pass on. Would you like to join David for dinner and have Crabs? If so can you cook the Crabs or find a restaurant to go to. Because I’m not having anything to do with Crabs.

International Crab Fest Day– always observed on September 14th
It’s time to grab your Crab baskets and head to the Seashore if you live near the Sea. If not then you should go to your local Seafood store for Crabs. Then et out the steamer and start boiling the water. Don’t forget to melt Butter. Don’t forget the bibs because today is International Crab Fest Day. I betcha a lot of Crabs are steamed about that!
There are two things people know. First, Crabs can be found all over the world. Second, Crabs are one of the sweetest, most popular of all Seafood. Also, the fact that people consume over 1.5 million tons of Crabs worldwide every year is a testimonial to the Crabs culinary popularity. While Steaming Crabs is the most popular, you can bake, boil, grill, or prepare Crabs in a wide variety of recipes.”
Did you know there are thousands of varieties of Crabs which range in size from 5 inches across, to over 13 feet! Fishermen have a second reason to celebrate Crabs today. They use the little Crabs to catch Lunker Bass and other Fish. As for the largest varieties, well let’s just say they’d make one heck of a Crab fest!
Crab Trivia
- Some species of Crabs live up to 100 years if a fisherman doesn’t catch the Crabs first.
- Crabs have 10 limbs. As a result, they are called the “Spider of the Sea”.
- The shell, or carapace, is the skeleton on the outside of its body.
- There are over 5,000 species of Crabs.
- A group of crabs is called a “cast”.
- All Crabs have two very strong front claws called Pincers they use them like a vise for crushing objects.
- Crabs can move in any direction.
History and Origin of International Crab Fest Day
Bob Matthews, author of Holiday Insights created International Crab Fest Day in 2018 to recognize and celebrate one of the world’s most popular Seafood the Crab. It is fitting that International Crab Fest Day is an “international’ holiday, because Crabs are found and consumed all over the world. Finally, a date in September was chosen, because the Weather cools in September. Clam and Seafood bakes become popular during the late Summer to Fall Season.
National Cream-Filled Donut Day– always observed on September 14th.
National Cream Filled Donut Day is a sugary, sweet day. Dontcha just love holidays like today!? Sure, you were watching your weight. Then, along comes a holiday that is packed with calories and carbs. That holiday encourages you to eat one of your favorite breakfast treats Cream-filled Donuts. Today just ignore the guilt trip and have a Donuts.
There is no shortage of food-related “holidays” and we are certainly glad that someone chose to create a holiday for Cream-filled Donuts.
Did you know the most popular Cream Filled Donuts are Chocolate Cream or Vanilla Cream. Whatever flavor is your favorite, just make sure today doesn’t go by, without having one or more Cream Filled Donuts.
Related Holidays
National Doughnut Day – To celebrate this holiday, eat Donuts.
Donut Trivia
- Call them Donuts or Doughnuts. It’s the same.
- The most popular kind of Donut is the ring-shaped Donut, the one with the hole in the middle.
- The second most popular Donut is the filled Donut.
Is there any doubt on how to celebrate today? Just visit a Donut shop and pick up a few for everyone in your family.
History and Origin of National Cream Filled Donut Day
We traced the origin of this holiday back to 2014 however, we found no factual information about this holiday. Nor, did we find the creator.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates