Unique Holidays: September 11th, 2022 National Piano Month

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: September 11th, 2022 National Piano Month. Did you know at one time Charlie thought about playing the Piano? With Charlie going to Homeschool I could sign him up for Piano Lessons which would be his music class. Would you like to learn the Piano with Charlie?

National Piano Month

The Piano allows us to celebrate an instrument that continues to be classical, contemporary and flexible at the same time. It’s time to pay heed to an instrument that contributed enormously to the development of music as the world knows it, and continues to play a “key” role in modern music.

It’s time to get started tickling those keys because it’s National Piano Month!

History of National Piano Month

The Piano is technically a stringed instrument although the strings are cleverly hidden inside the Piano case. The history of the Piano dates back as far as the 1700s when the instrument was contrived in Padua, Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The Piano began as the “Pianoforte”, which had a softer sound and shorter range than the Pianos that are well known today.

After its invention, it took several years even decades for the Piano to become a preferred instrument for those who would compose and perform music. While the Piano’s range was greater than other instruments, the Piano was also large, expensive, and not easily portable.

However, over time, musicians and wealthy people began to include Pianos in their repertoire as well as having Pianos become a vital part of the inclusion of music in their households. As versions of the Piano developed, from the Grand Piano to the square to the upright, Pianos became more accessible and practical for middle class families to include in their homes. 

Most modern Pianos now have 88 keys that include a row of 52 white keys and 36 black keys, as well as three pedals that are accessed by the feet. The Piano varies from the Grand Piano, Baby Grand Piano, to the Upright Piano, as well as the various electric and specialized versions that have become available in modern times.

How to Celebrate National Piano Month

To celebrate National Piano Month doesn’t have to be difficult at all! This is the perfect time to enjoy and appreciate everything to do with the Piano.

Learn to Play the Piano 

The great thing about learning to play the Piano in modern times is that it isn’t even necessary to own a full sized Piano! Did you know digital Pianos can be a super effective way to learn. They can fold up and fit into tight spaces. Not only that, but some computers and tablets have apps that can allow a person to learn how to play the Piano. Which is wonderful to know when Homeschooling our children.

Ultimately, it’s nice to have access to a Piano which can’t always happen. Those who are able might consider hiring a Piano teacher or attending lessons at a local music school. No matter what keyboard is available, just getting a start toward learning and making music is the most important thing.

Learn Fun Facts About the Piano 

Due to its wide range of notes and sounds, the Piano is considered to be the ‘king of musical instruments”.

  • A world record was set using the most Piano players on one piano in Birmingham, United Kingdom in 2019. When 88 young players, one for each key, used extenders so that they could each reach their key without crowding on top of each other.
  • One of the most expensive Pianos in the world was built in the United Arab Emirates and is plated in 24K gold. The Piano has an automatic lid and curved keys that contribute to its cost of $1.36 million.
  • Made by a Piano tuner from New Zealand, this 5.7 meter long, 4 ton Piano took four years to make and he was only 25 years old when he finished the Piano.
  • Prior to its current name, the Piano was originally called the gravicembalo col piano e forte, a name which basically means “soft and loud keyboard instrument.

Take a look at opportunities to attend a Piano Recital or Concert. Whether finding one locally at a music school or traveling to attend a concert in Warsaw, Poland, the birthplace of the famous pianist, Chopin, hearing the Piano played live can be a beautiful experience.

Learn About Piano Makers

While the untrained ear may have a hard time distinguishing Pianos different brands and makes of Pianos do tend to sound somewhat different from one another. Take a look at some of these extremely high end Piano makers for inspiration:

  • One of the most well-known Piano makers in the world, the Steinway. There business began in Germany when Heinrich Steinweg began making Pianos at the young age of 20. A couple of decades later, Heinrich Steinweg moved to New York and established his business there in 1853. Each Steinway Piano is comprised of over 12,000 parts and takes more than a year to be built by a master craftsman.
  • A luxury Piano maker in Vienna, Austria, this maker is well-known for creating an extended keyboard that holds 97 keys and provides 8 full octaves for the Pianist. But it’s not an easy Piano to come by as they make only a few hundred Pianos every year, and each one is handmade by dedicated craftsmen.
  • Created in Italy, a Fazioli will certainly set back the pocketbook a bit as they run in the range of $100,000 to $300,000. They only produce Grand Pianos or Concert Grand Pianos. One version even features a 24-karat gold leaf. The founder of the company, Paulo Fazioli, set out to create the best Piano that money could buy. And Paulo Dazioli seems to have succeeded with his goal!
  • Made from rare Spruce Trees that are located in the Mountains of Hokkaido, Japan, this company makes fewer than 250 Pianos each year. Blending technical innovations with traditional craftsmanship, the Kawai name has signified quality since the company’s inception in 1927.

Get That Piano Tuned!

There really is little worse than playing, or listening to, a Piano that has been allowed to go out of tune. For those who own a Piano, National Piano Month is the perfect reminder to get that Piano tuned. Call a local tuner and let them show a little tender loving care and get those keys back in tip-top shape.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates