Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: September 11th, 2022. There is some days in our lives that stand out and one of those is September 11th, 2001. Do you remember where you were that day the Twin Towers fell? Or how you felt?

911 Remembrance– 911 Remembrance Day is observed annually on September 11
I doubt anyone will ever forget where they were on the morning of September 11th, 2001. When they heard of the attacks on the twin World Trade Towers in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington. Let us not forget the brave passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, who fought the terrorist. Ultimately, the plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, PA rather than hitting the White House or the Capitol Building, the terrorists likely destinations. This horrible and tragic day when the Twin Towers fell is etched forever in our memories. We will forever mark 911 Remembrance Day on September 11th.
Like the attack on Pearl Harbor that brought us into World War II, the 911 attacks led us into a new War. The War on terrorism which also touched and changed forever, the lives of each and every American.
On the anniversary of 911, we encourage you to spend a few minutes reflecting upon this event, and Praying for the victims who died, along with their families and friends.
911 History
- On the morning of September 11th, 2001, nineteen Islamic al-Qaeda militants hijacked four planes. The hijackings occurred from Boston, Newark, and Washington airports. The planes selected were long-distance flights, which would have more fuel in the tanks.
- One plane each hit the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The planes and engulfing firestorm ultimately brought down both towers.
- A number of other buildings were also damaged or destroyed. Most notably was the Marriott Hotel, which was also destroyed.
- A third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington, DC.
- The fourth hijacked plane ultimately crashed in a field in Shanksville, PA. Passengers on the plane learned of the fate of the other planes and unsuccessfully attempted to take back control of the plane from the suicidal the hijackers. Everyone aboard died.
- In total, thousands were killed.
911 Deaths
Total Victim: 2977
Victims in the twin towers: 2606
Pentagon victims: 125
4th plane, crashed in PA: 40
Militants: 19
Deaths included Americans as well as citizens from many other Countries.
“The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our Spirit. Instead, we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom, the rule of law, and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom.” — Rudy Giuliani
Grandparent’s Day – first Sunday after Labor Day
It is only right and fitting that one day of the year is set aside to honor our grandparents. A time to celebrate those special people who are always there with a hug, a cookie, or take us somewhere.
National Grandparent’s Day originated in 1978 when then President Jimmy Carter declared National Grandparents Day to be the first Sunday after Labor Day.
If you can, enjoy the day with your grandparents that is the greatest gift they can receive from you. If you can’t see your grandparents, call them. When you call, make sure you have the time for a long conversation. Remember, grandparents will always ask about you first and listen intently to everything you have to say. Grandparents are never rushed or in a hurry. Grandparents are there just for you.
If momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. If Grandma ain’t happy….. RUN !
Grandparent’s Day Traditions:
Make it a tradition to be with your grandparents on National Grandparents Day.
Grandparents give the best hugs. while you’re there, give them a few hugs.
Make Your Bed Day– always observed on September 11th
Make Your Bed Day is a holiday that falls on September 11th. Many of us seldom, rarely, or never make up our beds in the morning. If that’s you, you’re in good company. If company is coming over, mom makes you make your bed. Other than that, you arise each day and leave your sheets and bedding in a crumpled pile, pouring over the side, and onto the floor. Habits form early in life. If your mom and dad never made this a daily requirement, you’re certainly not going to change your ways as an adult.
No one can claim that making the bed is a fun chore. Today is the day to arise and make your bed for a change. Speaking of change, as you celebrate Make Your Bed Day, it just might be a good idea to change the sheets first.
Here’s a suggestion for those of you who faithfully do this task every day of the year. Take a break. Rename today to be “Don’t Make your Bed Day!“
76% of us make our beds sometimes but, 7 of us never make it.
How to Celebrate Make Your Bed Day
Participate in this holiday by making your own bed. Of course, when you do crisp military corners are expected. And Your mom will be so proud of you!
If you are an adult with a Social Media Account, you can post pictures of your properly made bed.
History and Origin of Make Your Bed Day
We found no factual information about this holiday but we believe somebody’s mom created this holiday.
National Pet Memorial Day – always observed on the Second Sunday in September
People love their Pets which and we quickly grow attached to our Pets. National Pet Memorial Day is an opportunity to bring closure to the departure of our beloved Pets. National Pet Memorial Day allows us to fondly remember our departed Pet(s).
There are all kinds of Pets. Dogs and Cats are by far the most popular. Pets also include Rabbits, Fish, Turtles, and a huge assortment of other animals.
Your Pet would want you to cherish their memory, then move on. Use this holiday for this purpose.
Ways to Commemorate National Pet Memorial Day
- Spend a few minutes reflecting upon pleasant memories of your Pet.
- If you buried your Pet somewhere, go for a visit.
- Contribute to an animal protection group.
- Create a small memorial in a flower garden in your yard.
- Post a picture of you and your Pet on Social Media.
History and Origin of National Pet Memorial Day
This holiday is for people who have lost a Pet which was established by the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories (IAPC).
There was some reference to this as a “National” Holiday”. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. We are still trying to identify if this is a true “National” day.
No News is Good News D– always observed on September 11th
Hold the press! We don’t want the newspaper today. Turn off all news broadcasts because today is No News Is Good News Day. We all could use a little good news.
No Radio broadcasts. No Television newscasts. Avoid the newspaper at all costs. Your local fish wrapper is always filled with bad news. The media thrives on bad news. Take a day off from all the bad news.
How to Celebrate No News is Good News Day
Do not read the paper, watch the evening news or listen to the news on the radio. Ignore all those news articles on the internet, too. After all, no news is good news.
Focus upon only good things that happen today and certainly, this will lead to a happier you.
History and Origin of No News is Good News Day
We found no factual information about this holiday.
It did not take us long to figure out why the lack of information about this holiday. You’d think this holiday is truly newsworthy. Apparently, the creator felt that no news is good news. Recognizing this “Catch 22”, he (or she) remained silent about his creation.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Catesx d