Unique Holidays: September 11th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, how are you? I wanted to remind everyone to please says a special Prayer for those who lost loved ones on this day when the Twin Towers fell. As well as thank you for taking the time to stop by this morning. Take a look at the Unique Holidays: September 11th, 2021 and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate today and why?

Chocolate Milk Shake Day

National Chocolate Milkshake Day is an chance for Chocoholics to savor and enjoy. The Weather may have cooled off. But, our appetite for Chocolate, specifically Chocolate Milk Shakes, hasn’t cooled off one iota.

Today is National Chocolate Milkshake and it’s time to enjoy a cold, thick, frothy Chocolate Milk Shake. Chocolate is the most popular Milkshake flavor and for those of you who prefer other flavors, only a Chocolate Milkshake will do today.

Among the ingredients of the original Milkshake was Whiskey which also included Heavy Cream. It took more than a Century to evolve into the Milkshake as we know it today.

To participate in this day is easy. You already know what to do. Make this day even more fun, by making the Milkshake yourself.
Today’s Chuckle: “Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.” – – Mae West

Origin of Milkshakes

The first Milkshake was made in 1885. They were originally sold in Bars or Saloons. The original Milkshake was made of Whiskey, Eggs and Cream. In the early 1900s, Whiskey was replaced by Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry Syrup. In 1922, a Walgreen employee added Malted Milk Powder to the recipe. That same year, Steven Poplawski invented the Electric Blender. This made Milk Shakes more smooth and frothy. By the 1930s, Malt Shops popped up around the Country, selling Malted Milkshakes and Ice Creams.

History and Origin of National Chocolate Milkshake Day:

We found no factual information about this special day but what we did find were many, many Chocoholics.

Our research did not uncover the origin or the creator of this Holiday. One might think the Holiday should date back many decades. However, our research only found more recent reference to this Holiday, around 2010-2015.  

We were mildly surprised that this day is celebrated in September when we expected it to be celebrated sometime in the summer. But, here it is in mid-September. Let’s enjoy the Holiday to the fullest!

A true “National” day, requires either a Presidential proclamation or Act of Congress and we found no record to this effect.

Grandparent’s Day – first Sunday after Labor Day

It is only right and fitting that one day of the year is set aside to honor our Grandparents and it is time to celebrate those special people who are always there with a hug, a kiss, a Cookie, or something special, or take us somewhere.

National Grandparent’s Day originated in 1978 when then President Jimmy Carter declared Grandparents Day to be the first Sunday after Labor Day.

If you can, enjoy the day with your Grandparents then that is the greatest gift they can receive from you. If you can’t see your Grandparents, call them, or skype. When you call, make sure you have the time for a long conversation. Remember, grandparents will always ask about you first and listen intently to everything you have to say. They are never rushed or in a hurry. They are there just for you.

Grandparent’s Day Traditions:

Make today a tradition to be with your Grandparents on this Holiday. It’s as simple as that!

Grandparents give the best hugs and while you’re there, give them a few hugs.

National Pet Memorial Day -second Sunday in September

Observed on the second Sunday in September

People love their pets and we quickly grow attached to our pets. National Pet Memorial Day is an opportunity to bring closure to the departure of a beloved pets by allowing us to fondly remember our departed pet(s).

There are all kinds of pets and dogs and cats are by far the most popular. But, pets also include Rabbits, Fish, Turtles, Ferrets, Crabs, Snakes, Hamsters, Gerbils, and a other animals.

Your pet would want you to cherish their memory, then move on. Use this special day for this purpose.

Ways to commemorate National Pet Memorial Day:

  • Spend a few minutes reflecting upon pleasant memories of your pet
  • If you buried your pet somewhere, go for a visit
  • Contribute to an animal protection group
  • Volunteer at an animal protection group
  • Create a small memorial in a flower garden in your yard
  • Plant a tree or a shrub as a living memorial

History and Origin of National Pet Memorial Day:

This very special Holiday for pet loves was established by the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories (IAPC).

There was some reference to this as a “National Day” but, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. We are still trying to identify if this is a true “National” day.

National Video Games Day – also see Video Games Day in July

Video Games Day – always on July 8

National Video Games Day – always on September 12

Video Games Day celebrates Video Games that stormed onto the market, and changed the way your kids play games. From Atari to Nintendo to Xbox, Video Games provide all too many hours of playing time on your Television Set.

In Grandma and Grandpa’s day, they had stick Horses for toys and playtime. Todays kids (big kids and little kids) have an enormous array of Video Games to play. Before you get tired of one game, a new Video Game hits the market.  

Our extensive research into this Holiday discovered two separately distinct dates. Also, both dates for this special day refer to it as Video Games Day and National Video Games Day. Based upon our research results, we give the edge to September 12th as National Video Games Day. Lucky Gamer that you are, you get to celebrate two Video Games Holidays.

Celebrate National Video Games Day by playing Video Games. If you are off from school (or if you are a big kid off from work), make this a marathon day for Video Games. Invite a few friends and hold a competition. Just make certain that you have enough controllers..

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates