Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 9th, 2022. Did you know today is Curious Events Day what does that mean to you and why? As your trying to figure out what Curious Events Day is to you take a look at the other Holidays being celebrated and let me know what you think of them and why.

Curious Events Day– always observed on October 9th
October 9 celebrates Curious Events Day, which peaks one’s curiosity. Why does Curious Events Day exist? Who created Curious Days Event? What curious events are held today? The questions go on, and and on.
If you have a questioning or curious mind, this is your holiday. Curious Events Day encourages you to hold some kind of event to peak your curiosity. The topics are broad and seemingly endless. From philosophical subjects to the existence of Aliens. The only requirement is that the event must tantalize and cater to our curiosity.
As we draw closer to Halloween, there are more and more, strange, odd, and weird happenings. I’m a little curious to find out if this is the cause. At the same time, it is a little eerie.
We are wondering if you will have a happy Curious Events Day which we think you will!
How to Celebrate Curious Events Day
- Become curious about everything that happens today.
- Hold a curiosity party and invite your friends/
- Pose intriguing questions to friends.
- Pick a topic or issue and explore it deeply.
History and Origin of Curious Events Day
We were curious as to the creator, or the origin of Curious Events Day. Which we thoroughly researched. Our curiosity failed to uncover any factual information about Curious Events Day.
Fire Prevention Day– always observed on October 9th

Today is Fire Prevention Day, an October 9th holiday. According to legend, on October 8th, 1871, Mrs. O’Leary was in her barn, milking her Cow. The Cow kicked over a lamp, which started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The Fire burned for over 27 hours. When the Great Chicago Fire was over, more than 300 people were killed, 100,000 people were left homeless, and over 17,000 structures were destroyed. This and other major fires caused a movement to proclaim this holiday.
The Great Chicago Fire sparked major efforts in Fire Prevention. Forty years later, the Fire Marshall’s Association of North America (FMANA) held the first Fire Prevention Day. In 1920, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Fire Prevention Week.
Dalmatians became fire Dogs because they were often kept around the Horses at Firehouses to guard them.
I have a question for you. Have you heard of “EDITH”, which stands for “Exit Drills In The Home”. Today is a good day to have a practice drill.
Fire prevention week is during the week in which October 9th falls. The Saturday during this week is Fire Service Recognition Day.
How to Participate in Fire Prevention Day
- Fire departments around the Country hold sessions and seminars to teach fire prevention and safety.
- Schools have fire drills and hold lessons on fire prevention.
- Families conduct an EDITH exercise.
- Businesses should conduct fire drills.
- Take the opportunity to learn more about famous fires both Nationally and locally.
History and Origin of Fire Prevention Day
In 1919 a resolution was made to urge the U.S. and Canadian governments to proclaim this day as Fire Prevention Day. In 1930, President Woodrow Wilson made this proclamation as an annual event.
The date of October 9th was selected, as it was the holiday the Great Chicago Fire ended.
Leif Erikson Day– always observed on October 9th

Leif Erikson Day, an October 9th holiday, gives recognition to the first European to set foot on North American soil. Christopher Columbus didn’t arrive in the New World until 500 years later. There is no dispute about this event in an of the history books. Historians have been able to put this together based on records at the time. However, Leif Erikson made no maps of his journey. And, physical evidence of Leif Erikson travels is scarce.
In some writings, Leif Erikson first name is spelled Leif, Leifur, or Leiv. Leif Erikson last name is sometimes spelled as Erikson, Ericson, Ericsson, or Ericksson.
Around 1002 A.D., Leif Erikson sailed to North America from his home in Greenland. Leif Erikson went in search of land seen but not visited by a Norse Sea Captain. During the voyage, Leif Erikson landed in several places. The landings were never documented on a map. It is believed Leif Erikson landed along the Coast of New Foundland, and perhaps as far South as near Cape Cod. Erikson and his men spent the Winter in North America. They built a large house for lodging, and a shed to shelter the boat over the long Winter.
Setting off from Greenland, Erikson and his companions explored all the way down to what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts. These Norsemen left little trace of their explorations. Importantly, they never made permanent settlements. Just imagine how significantly, history would have changed, if these Northern Europeans had made permanent settlements and populated some of the New World.
Leif Erikson never returned to further explore North America. Several explorers, including Leif Erikson brother, traveled to North America. Leif Erikson brother was killed by Indians.
How to Celebrate Leif Erikson Day
- Read and learn about Leif Erikson and the Norsemen who explored the Eastern Seaboard of North America.
- Learn more about Norsemen in general.
History and Origin of Leif Erikson Day
in 1964, a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress created Leif Erikson Day a holiday. They authorized then President Lyndon B. Johnson to issue a proclamation on this holiday. Since 1964, every President has issued an annual proclamation.
Moldy Cheese Day– always observed on October 9th

Moldy Cheese Day is today, an October 9th holiday. Do you have Moldy Cheese in your refrigerator? Do you need to have Moldy Cheese to celebrate this holiday? If you have Moldy Cheese, what would you do with Moldy Cheese today?
Every once in a while, we come across a holiday that has no apparent rhyme or reason. Today is one of those days. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate this special holiday. Scour through the refrigerators at home and work today for Moldy Cheese. Office refrigerators are a great place to find moldy stuff. See if that moldy piece of Cheese is salvageable.
If you find moldy cheese, take a slice off each side. The insides could still be good.
Mold is common in Cheese. It’s part of what gives a particular Cheese flavor and character. For example, the Blue Stuff in Blu Cheese is mold.
Cheese Trivia
- American Cheese is a processed Cheese made by combining Cheddar and Colby Cheeses along with other ingredients which is melted and then cooled into a smooth texture.
- Did you know it takes ten pounds of Milk to make one pound of Cheese.
- Shortly after arriving in the New World, British Colonists began making Cheddar Cheese. By 1790, Cheddar Cheese was exported back to England.
- Did you know Swiss Cheese is the most popular Cheese on Subs.
- The holes in Swiss Cheese are air pockets formed by bacteria during the aging process.
- Thanks to Pizza, Mozzarella is America’s favorite Cheese.
- Cheese Curds squeak because the elastic protein strands in the Cheese rub against the enamel of your teeth.
- Some varieties of Cheese help to prevent tooth decay by promoting Saliva.
How to Celebrate Moldy Cheese Day
- Go through your Cheese drawer and look for mold on the Cheese.
- Did you know a little mold can be removed by slicing it off the block.
- If there’s a lot of Cheese mold on the outside, discard the Cheese.
- Host a Wine and Cheese party.
History and Origin of Moldy Cheese Day
Our research did not find the creator or the origin of Moldy Cheese Day.
We found a stray reference or two suggesting Moldy Cheese Day as a “National” holiday. It’s hard to believe that the “Big Cheeses” in Washington would declare a national day for moldy Cheese. Have you ever known our elected officials to waste time debating worthless topics?
Sukkot, at sundown – Sukkot begins at sundown on October 9, 2022, September 29, 2023; October 6, 2024; October 6, 2025; September 25, 2026; October 15, 2027; October 4, 2028
Important Note: Many Jewish holidays begin at sunset. Some internet websites record thisholiday on the first full day, while others sites state the date when it begins at Sunset.
The joyous festival of Sukkot celebrates the forty years the Jewish people wandered through the desert after leaving Egypt. During this time, they lived in temporary shelters, called “Sukkahs”.
The holiday lasts seven days, beginning five days after Yom Kippur. During the first two days, no work is permitted.
A major symbol of this festive holiday is the “Sukkah”, the temporary dwelling in which the Jewish people lived while wandering through the desert. Traditional Jewish tradition requires that the Sukkah be built, decorated and lived in during the week of Sukkot . It is used to eat and sleep in.
The American Thanksgiving bears similarities to this festive holiday and shares some biblical roots.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates